[AsiaNet] Innovation and Development Conference held in Nanjing for Nanjing
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Agricultural University's 120th anniversary
AsiaNet 98967
(NANJING, China, Nov. 24, 2022 AsiaNet=연합뉴스) After twelve decades of ever-growing excellence, Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU) celebrated its 120th anniversary with the Innovation and Development Conference being held on Nov. 20 at its sports center. Chen Ligen, the Secretary of Party Committee of Nanjing Agricultural University presided over the conference, and President Chen Fadi delivered a speech for it. Alumni, students and partners from all walks of life watched the live broadcast of the conference through the web platform to celebrate the 120th Anniversary of Nanjing Agricultural University.
For a long time, Nanjing Agricultural University has insisted on opening up and promoted international cooperation and exchanges in education, science, technology and talents. It has established close partnerships with more than 170 universities and institutes in more than 50 countries and regions around the world. Gary S. May, Chancellor of University of California, Davis, said in a video message that UCDavis and NAU have maintained a long-lasting partnership and cooperatively implemented the educational concept of "global health" to the fields of agriculture, food and animal health. He looked forward to the future cooperation between the two universities for the benefit of mankind and to make greater contributions to human health in the world.
Chen Fadi said that over the past 120 years, Nanjing Agricultural University has kept pace and stood firmly with the people and taken the initiative to foster virtue through education. NAU has created fruitful achievements and many "China's firsts".
Chen Ligen said that NAU has gone through the course of 120 years of endeavor. Standing at a new starting point and embarked on a new journey, NAU will fully carry out the basic task of fostering virtue through education, and take strengthening and revitalizing agriculture as its mission, accelerate the construction of a world-class university with agricultural characteristics. It will contribute to the modernization of national agriculture in rural areas and the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside with positive attitude and spirit.
Source: Nanjing Agricultural University
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