[PRNewswire] Innodisk Proves AI Prowess with Launch of FPGA Machine Vision

보도자료 원문 2022. 11. 23. 19:21
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Innodisk announced its latest step into the AI market, with the launch of EXMU-X261, an FPGA Machine Vision Platform powered by AMD's Xilinx Kria K26 SOM.


(TAIPEI, Nov. 23, 2022 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Innodisk, a leading global provider of industrial-grade flash storage, DRAM memory and embedded peripherals, has announced its latest step into the AI market, with the launch of EXMU-X261 [https://www.innodisk.com/en/products/embedded-peripheral/fpga ], an FPGA Machine Vision Platform. Powered by AMD's Xilinx Kria K26 SOM, which was designed to enable smart city and smart factory applications, Innodisk's FPGA Machine Vision Platform [https://www.innodisk.com/en/products/embedded-peripheral/fpga ]is set to lead the way for industrial system integrators looking to develop machine vision applications.

Automated defect inspection, a key machine vision application, is an essential technology in modern manufacturing. Automated visual inspection guarantees that the product works as expected and meets specifications. In these cases, it is vital that a fast and highly accurate inspection system is used. Without AI, operators must manually inspect each product, taking an average of three seconds per item. Now, with the help of AI solutions such as Innodisk's FPGA Machine Vision Platform [https://www.innodisk.com/en/products/embedded-peripheral/fpga ], product inspection in factories can be automated, and the end result is not only faster and cheaper, but can be completely free of human error.

Innodisk's FPGA Machine Vision Platform [https://www.innodisk.com/en/products/embedded-peripheral/fpga ] comes with 1GbE LAN, 4 USB 3.1 Gen1 ports, 2 M.2 slots, and a series of other expansion and connectivity options. Thanks to the platform's 0° to 70 °C operational temperature support, and optional industrial temperature support from -40° to +85°C, EXMU-X261 [https://www.innodisk.com/en/products/embedded-peripheral/fpga ] is tough enough for the harshest of industrial environments. In addition, EXMU-X261 features support for Innodisk's InnoAgent out-of-band remote management module [https://www.innodisk.com/en/newsDetail/innodisk-brings-advancements-to-the-oob-space-with-innoagent ], allowing the platform to be remotely managed from anywhere, even during a system crash or an in-band network failure. This is important for any automated system, as it allows for it to be completely unmanned, which further reduces manpower and maintenance costs.

Customers can take advantage of AMD's Xilinx Kria K26 SOM's ability to quickly get applications to market thanks to EXMU-X261's full support for Innodisk's AI Suite SDK. The suite includes an FPGA Model Zoo, as well as Innodisk's in-house software solutions [https://www.innodisk.com/en/software/ ], such as iCAP (Innodisk Cloud Administration Platform), and iVIT (Innodisk Vision Intelligence Toolkit). iVIT for example, provides a deep learning environment for efficient development and deployment of "no-code-operation" solutions.

Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1454282/Innodisk_Logo.jpg

Innodisk Logo (PRNewsfoto/Innodisk Corporation)

Source: Innodisk Corporation

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출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료

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