[PRNewswire] Dobot Launches Nova Collaborative Robots for Retail Automation

보도자료 원문 2022. 11. 22. 22:05
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DOBOT Nova Series Collaborative Robots

(SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 22, 2022 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Labor shortages and rising costs around the world are two major headwinds to the retail and service sectors, opening up new opportunities of automation transformation. To better capture this newfound demand, Dobot has developed the Nova Series [https://en.dobot.cn/products/nova-series/dobot-nova-series.html ] of collaborative robots designed specifically for retail customers to handle tasks such as making coffee, cocktail, ice cream, noodles, fried chicken, and even physical therapy.

The Nova 2 [https://en.dobot.cn/products/nova-series/nova2.html ] and the Nova 5 [https://en.dobot.cn/products/nova-series/nova5.html ] are the first two models in the Nova Series with payloads of 2 kg and 5 kg for handling retail and physiotherapy tasks respectively. They can replace workers to help reduce operating expenses and decrease direct human contacts during pandemics.

To better meet the needs of retail branding, the Nova Series contrasts the rigid design philosophy of industrial robots and offers color customization to better fit into retail stores for better customer experiences. The Nova Series is also more compact than comparable industrial cobots and can fit into one meter square of space.

Taking into consideration that most retail stores do not have full time engineers on staff, the Nova Series is designed to be easy to use. With drag to teach and graphical user interface, anyone can easily program a Nova without coding knowledge. Setting up a Nova takes as little time as 10 minutes.

Retail sector robots can have frequent interaction with people, making safety a top priority. The Nova Series has multiple safety features to intelligently sense human movement, and stops operation in 0.01 second upon collision detection. In case of power outage, Nova automatically freezes in position to ensure safety of others.

Dobot's Nova opens the door of automation for the retail and service sectors. Robot adoption will expand beyond production floors of factories and into our daily lives. Collaborations and interactions between humans and machines will only increase.

Customers can customize Nova's colors at purchase

Source: DOBOT

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출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료

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