[PRNewswire] PRA Group's Kevin Stevenson Gives Virginia Chamber's Capstone

보도자료 원문 2022. 10. 12. 14:03
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Speech on Investing in Education

(NORFOLK, Va., Oct. 11, 2022 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Today Kevin Stevenson, president and CEO of PRA Group, Inc. [https://www.pragroup.com/ ] (Nasdaq: PRAA), delivered the keynote address at the Virginia Chamber of Commerce [https://vachamber.com/ ]'s 2022 Virginia Education and Workforce Conference [https://vachamber.com/event/2022-virginia-education-and-workforce-conference/ ] in Richmond, Va., on behalf of Virginia's business leaders.

The conference, which was attended by more than 400 leaders in education, business, government and the community, focused on positioning Virginia's workforce for success.

With its global headquarters in Norfolk, Virginia, PRA Group is a publicly traded company that has grown to become one of the largest acquirers of nonperforming loans in the world. For more than 25 years, the company's headquarters have remained in Virginia, where, among its 18 locations in Europe, the Americas and Australia, it has established its largest workforce.

A co-founder of PRA Group, Stevenson has made a long-term investment in Virginia's economic development and growth. His speech focused on the pivotal role education plays in strengthening and producing a sustainable and viable talent pipeline within the Commonwealth. Stevenson called the private sector to action, encouraging business leaders to invest in three main areas:

- Pathways to in-demand careers through work-based learning and internships,

- Philanthropic partnerships that create an economy for all based on equitable access,

- And strategic collaboration with higher education to create career pathways.

"The fact of the matter is, when Virginia companies contribute to education, we ensure the growth and longevity of our businesses. Our investments in education, nonprofits committed to access and enrichment and work-based learning opportunities are investments in the economic growth of Virginia. Let's leverage the resources we have here in Virginia to build the best workforce in the nation!" Stevenson said in his keynote.

Stevenson has led PRA Group in this philosophy since the company's founding in 1996. In Virginia alone, the global company supports organizations such as ACCESS College Foundation [https://www.accesscollege.org/ ], An Achievable Dream [https://achievabledream.org/ ] and Junior Achievement of Greater Hampton Roads [https://hamptonroads.ja.org/ ] in addition to sponsoring STEM learning opportunities such as Virginia Living Museum [https://thevlm.org/ ]'s Amazing Pollinators exhibit and Old Dominion University [https://www.odu.edu/ ]'s (ODU) Data Science Summer Camp. PRA Group also funds ODU's Strome College of Business [https://www.odu.edu/business ] and is a member of the 757 Regional Internship Collaborative [https://www.odu.edu/asis/757-collaborative ] and the RVA 757 Connects [https://www.rva757connects.com/advantages ] initiative.

PRA Group also hosts a paid summer internship program to promote work-based learning and recently launched an IT apprenticeship program for employees to explore pathways to in-demand careers.

To learn more about PRA Group's commitment to making an impact in Virginia and around the world, visit: https://www.pragroup.com/news-and-stories/.

About PRA Group

As a global leader in acquiring and collecting nonperforming loans, PRA Group [https://www.pragroup.com/ ] returns capital to banks and other creditors to help expand financial services for consumers. With thousands of employees worldwide, PRA Group companies collaborate with customers to help them resolve their debt. For more information, please visit www.pragroup.com.

News Media Contact:

Elizabeth Kersey

Senior Vice President, Communications and Public Policy

(757) 961-3525


Investor Contact:

Najim Mostamand, CFA

Vice President, Investor Relations

(757) 431-7913


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Source: PRA Group

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