[PRNewswire] Lights, Camera, Fashion: IN2MOTIONFEST - Indonesia International
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Ita Rulina, Director of the Department of Economics and Sharia Finance of BI, said, "The Indonesian modest fashion industry is growing rapidly. Through a global collaboration, we want to contribute to support the national economic recovery, especially in the modest fashion sector."
"As a country with the biggest Muslim population in the world, we want to be the trendsetter," said Fixy, Assistant Deputy for Partnership and Market Expansion of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs of the Republic of Indonesia. "We hope that Indonesian designers can compete in the global market and the echo of IN2MOTIONFEST can be heard throughout the globe."
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Modest Fashion Festival 2022 Announces Dates and Venue
-- Bank Indonesia with the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs of the Republic of Indonesia and the Indonesian Fashion Chamber to put Muslim fashion designers centre stage from 5-9 October 2022 at the Jakarta Convention Centre, Jakarta, Indonesia.
(JAKARTA, Indonesia, Oct. 3, 2022 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Since 2019, Bank Indonesia (BI) has been synergizing with the Indonesian Fashion Chamber (IFC) in modest fashion activities at Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival (ISEF) [https://isef.co.id/ ]. Aiming to make Indonesia as the center of the world's sharia economy, the ISEF fashion sector will be presented with a new name, Indonesia International Modest Fashion Festival (IN2MOTIONFEST). Also collaborating with the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs of the Republic of Indonesia, BI is bringing the best of the Indonesian Muslim fashion industry to the world.
2022 Theme: "Local Products, Global Look"
IN2MOTIONFEST welcomes more than 160 local and international designers, brands, academies, and buyers to celebrate the unique designs, locally sourced materials and trending looks in the multi-billion-dollar modest fashion industry.
Ita Rulina, Director of the Department of Economics and Sharia Finance of BI, said, "The Indonesian modest fashion industry is growing rapidly. Through a global collaboration, we want to contribute to support the national economic recovery, especially in the modest fashion sector."
According to the Global Islamic Economic Report 2021 [https://cdn.salaamgateway.com/reports/pdf/456642acf95a783db590e5b104cae94046047101.pdf ], the world's Muslim fashion products consumption reached USD 277 billion in 2019 and is predicted to grow over USD 311 billion in 2024. As a nation with over 231 million Muslims, Indonesia is well placed to become the center for Islamic fashion.
"As a country with the biggest Muslim population in the world, we want to be the trendsetter," said Fixy, Assistant Deputy for Partnership and Market Expansion of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs of the Republic of Indonesia. "We hope that Indonesian designers can compete in the global market and the echo of IN2MOTIONFEST can be heard throughout the globe."
Guests will see what Indonesia offers to the world, with handcrafted fashion products sourced from well-known designers across the archipelago including IKRA Indonesia - the platform that brings together the sharia business actors in halal fashion - also designers from France, Malaysia, and Thailand.
"IN2MOTIONFEST will optimize local resources to drive the local economy such as local textiles, in line with the principles of sustainable fashion and halal lifestyle," explained Ali Charisma, National Chairman of the IFC.
IN2MOTIONFEST includes community gatherings, workshops, competitions, and curations. The main event consists of fashion shows, talk shows, business matching, and diaspora forums. It is the biggest international modest fashion event that promotes Indonesia's local products, global look.
About ISEF
ISEF is the largest annual event in Indonesia for the Islamic economy and a part of the global Sharia Economic Forum. The organisation combines ideas into applicable initiatives to support the Islamic economy focusing on developing the sharia economy while maintaining harmony with Indonesian values. For more information visit IN2MOTIONFEST's Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/in2motionfest/ ] and Youtube [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRlWwIvbaDclhc-1KgSZS7A ], and ISEF's Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/isef.id/ ], YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/c/ISEFIndonesia ], Facebook [https://web.facebook.com/Isef.id ], and Twitter [https://twitter.com/isefindonesia ].
Source: Indonesian Fashion Chamber (IFC)
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