[PRNewswire] Vinamilk recognized as "The 6th Most Valuable Dairy Brand"
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globally in 2022 by Brand Finance
(HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam, Sept. 29, 2022 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Vinamilk [https://www.vinamilk.com.vn/en ], Vietnam's leading dairy manufacturer has reached a new milestone by being ranked 6th position in the Top 10 Most Valuable Dairy Brands by Brand Finance.
The US$2.8 billion valuation this year sees an impressive 18% increase as compared to 2021, reaffirms Vinamilk's leading position. Specifically, in the dairy segment, the brand was ranked the Most Potential Dairy Brand and continues to appear in the Top 5 Strongest Dairy Brands, coming in 2nd place - a remarkable result for Vinamilk as the only Southeast Asia representative in the Top 10 ranking for both brand value and strength. Vinamilk also leaves its footprint in major Food rankings such as Top 30 Most Valuable Food Brands and Top 10 Strongest Food Brands.
Furthermore, according to the nationwide report, Brand Finance also recognized Vinamilk as the Most Valuable Food Brand in Vietnam.
"The significant role of the brand is well aware by Vinamilk throughout the development of the company, especially in F&B and the dairy industry in particular. Throughout our 46-year journey, Vinamilk has continuously built the company's brand value in accordance to our core pillars - product quality, service and our reputation amongst consumers", said Mrs. Bui Thi Huong, Vinamilk Chief Director of Admin, HR & PR.
She also believes Vietnamese businesses will focus and put all their effort in achieving higher rankings on global rankings, affirming the position and value of Vietnamese national brands.
Every year, Brand Finance puts 5,000 of the world's biggest brands in 29 industries throughout 39 countries under its test. With an integrated measurement method, considering various brand factors such as impact, health and reputation, investment and others combined with financial and survey data, the annual Food and Drink report published by Brand Finance provides brand health assessments in a transparent, fair and objective manner.
The changes when compared to Brand Finance's 2021 report suggest that brands that invest in intrinsic strength, as well as focus on core values and long-term vision, are more likely to overcome uncertainty in turbulent times, and are developing further through innovation and continuity to meet growing consumer needs.
Vinamilk's investments have also been positively recognized by other local and international organizations. The Brand Footprint 2022 report published by Worldpanel, Kantar signified Vinamilk's decade-long achievements in maintaining leading positions in the Top 10 Most Chosen Dairy Brands in Vietnam.
In addition, Vinamilk was also honored for the 10th consecutive time in Forbes Vietnam's 50 Best Listed Companies and has been recognized as one of "Vietnam Value" brands by VIETRADE since 2010.
Present in 57 countries and territories with a total accumulated export turnover of US$2.75 billion, Vinamilk continues to research and develop new products to increase its penetration to key export markets.
Since the beginning of 2022, the company has actively participated in a number of international trade activities and food fairs in China, Dubai, Japan, South Korea, and Australia to introduce Vinamilk's range of products, as well as seeking opportunities for its international expansion.
About Vinamilk
Founded in 1976, Vinamilk is the leading dairy company in Vietnam which is listed among the Top 40 largest nutrition companies in the world by revenue and Top 10 of the world's most valuable dairy brands. Vinamilk currently manages 17 factories, 15 dairy farms in Vietnam and overseas.
Source: Vinamilk
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출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료
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