[PRNewswire] Asian Hall of Fame Announces Induction 2022
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-- Los Angeles and Seattle celebrations advance programming, Health Science Guild, Women In Tech & Entertainment Guild
(LOS ANGELES, Sept. 28, 2022 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Asian Hall of Fame [https://www.asianhalloffame.org/ ] unveils 22 honorees at Induction 2022 festivities in Los Angeles and Seattle. To advance programming and philanthropy, its founder Robert Chinn Foundation matches up to $500,000. Contributions over $1,000 through sponsorships, grants or GoFundMe [https://www.gofundme.com/f/founder2023?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer ] are recognized in perpetuity as Season 2023 Founders, Health Science Guild Founders, or Women in Tech & Entertainment Guild Founders.
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On November 12, the Induction Ceremony at Alex Theatre in Glendale, California immortalizes 17 Inductees and Artist Ambassador Ed Roth [https://edrothmusic.com/ ]. Inductee Hiroshima [https://www.hiroshimamusic.com/ ] headlines one of their last concerts. Ed Roth performs with Robby Krieger [https://robbykrieger.com/ ] and special guests. Celebration of Life honors Inductee Norm Mineta [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Mineta ] and Inductee Phil Chen [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_Chen ]. Frank Buckley of KTLA 5 is Master of Ceremonies. VIP seats are invite-only. Standard tickets [https://alextheatre.org/event/2022-induction-ceremony ] are available.
On November 18, the Founders Gala at Sky View Observatory in Seattle, Washington immortalizes 6 Inductees and Artist Ambassador Krist Novoselic [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krist_Novoselic ] of Nirvana. Artist Ambassador Danny Seraphine [https://www.dannyseraphine.com/ ] & CTA headlines with The Temptations vocalist Tony Grant. Ed Roth performs with Inductee Daniel Pak, Inductee Hiro Yamamoto of Soundgarden and Krist Novoselic. Mimi Jung of KING 5 is Master of Ceremonies. VIP seats are invite-only.
Inductees (in first-name alphabetical order) are Panda Express founders Andrew and Peggy Cherng [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Cherng ], Olympian Chloe Kim [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chloe_Kim ], GRAMMY Award-winner Daniel Ho [https://www.danielho.com/ ], first Indian Louis Vuitton brand ambassador Deepika Padukone [https://www.deepikapadukone.com/ ], Crustacean founders Helene An and daughter Elizabeth An [https://www.crustaceanbh.com/a-family-legacy ], Jiaoying Summers [https://www.jiaoyingsummers.com/ ], Joseph Bae [https://www.kkr.com/our-firm/leadership/joseph-y-bae ] and Janice Lee [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janice_Y._K._Lee ], Margaret Cho [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Cho ], Momo Wang [https://www.instagram.com/momowang123/ ], Omar and Christine Lee [http://nwasianweekly.com/2018/08/blog-chinese-couple-develop-tukwilas-tallest-building/ ], Senator Tammy Duckworth [https://www.duckworth.senate.gov/about-tammy/biography ], Tia Carrere [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tia_Carrere ], and NYX founder Toni Ko [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toni_Ko ].
Seattle Inductees are Daniel Pak [https://pak.rocks/about-1 ], Hiro Yamamoto [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiro_Yamamoto ], Karen Wong [https://www.robertchinnfoundation.org/board-of-directors ], Pat Chun [https://wsucougars.com/staff-directory/pat-chun/381 ], Robert and Ruth Chinn [https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/ruth-chinn-backbone-of-pioneer-bank-empire-dies-at-92/ ] in memoriam and first indigenous Inductee Virginia Cross [https://www.facebook.com/atnitribes/posts/womens-history-monthnow-in-our-65th-year-we-would-like-to-honor-the-chairwomen-o/2348084428569134/ ].
Inductees, artists, and executives are available for interviews.
Media credential application [https://www.asianhalloffame.org/credentials ] closes on October 21.
Images, bios, video, and press releases are available in Dropbox [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/c9mhze7mfa2128v2nxx2b/h?dl=0&rlkey=ywyufyzstj63xvw3smtxdn92u ].
Established in 2004, Asian Hall of Fame is a global platform that elevates Asian excellence in the United States and worldwide to overcome anti-Asian bias, increase Asian representation, and promote cross-cultural collaboration. Year-round work advances the Social Justice Initiative, Brain Trauma Program, Tech & Entertainment Incubator and Team Member Scholarships. Visit asianhalloffame.org or contact Rochelle Srigley at rochelle@asianhalloffame.org.
Media Contact:
Rochelle Srigley
Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1231628/AHF_Official_Logo.jpg
Source: Asian Hall of Fame
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