[PRNewswire] Doll Houses -- A Toy Aimed at Teaching Compassionate Living with

보도자료 원문 2022. 9. 21. 13:22
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Doll Houses - A Toy Aimed at Teaching Compassionate Living with People with Disabilities in the Society

People with Disabilities in Society

(BANGKOK, Sept. 21, 2022 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) A lecturer from the Chula Faculty of Education has developed an educational toy that instills a sense of compassion in children while teaching them to live peacefully with the elderly and people with disabilities in society.

The Doll House was developed by Assistant Professor Pornthep Lerttevasiri, Art Education Division, Department of Art, Music, and Dance Education, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University to instill empathy, and promote maturity in children, aged 3-6, so that they can live happily with others.

Social simulation

The doll house is unique in that the dolls portray various forms of disability including visual impairment, hearing impairment, cerebral palsy, etc., and are equipped with devices used in their daily life with realistic mechanisms made of MDF (Medium Density Fiber Board) that's safe for children. Developed based on world-class award-winning research, the doll house and dolls are made with patented joints and locking systems making them realistic and interesting to play with.

The fun of coexistence

The toy set comes with a basic manual on the importance of coexistence with the disabled and the elderly, as well as how to operate devices, and give appropriate help, for example, when crossing the road.

Play not Preach

Asst. Prof. Pornthep stresses that parents and teachers must read and understand the basic manual, which contains methods, guidance, and equipment information to help people with disabilities to be able to adapt the information into fun play for children.

Parents or teachers may let their children play with the doll house imaginatively on their own, but adults and children should spend time and learn together. It's life learning that comes with age-appropriate fun.

The disabled don't need sympathy, but understanding and help in the right way. The doll house is fun for children to play with while learning how to help the disabled, how to use the equipment, and most importantly, coexist with the disabled and the elderly.

Those interested in the Doll House can contact Asst. Prof. Pornthep, Art Education Division, Department of Art, Music, and Dance Education, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, Tel +662-218-2565 ext 5601.

For more information, visit https://www.chula.ac.th/en/highlight/74200/

Source: Chulalongkorn University Communication Center

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