[PRNewswire] HAVAL H6 GT Makes an Impressive Appearance, GWM Sponsors Rugby
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Conrad Groenewald, HAVAL South Africa Chief Operations Officer, said "HAVAL is bringing the brand to consumers in a format that resonates with the market via sponsoring events such as the Rugby World Cup Sevens."
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World Cup Sevens 2022
(BAODING, China, Sept. 20, 2022 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) On September 9, GWM HAVAL H6 GT showed up at Rugby World Cup Sevens 2022 in South Africa, setting off an upsurge of enthusiasm for the coupe SUV visual experience.
HAVAL brand sets up a static HAVAL H6 GT experience area outside the Cape Town Stadium, which gives rugby fans and other audiences a chance to experience its unique sports coupe styling closely.
HAVAL H6 GT adopts a bio-inspired aesthetic design, which integrates a shark's vigorous posture with the body modelling, making it looks very sporty. The sides of the HAVAL H6 GT adopt many personalized design details for embellishment, including smooth and rugged lines, fastback shape, and double rear trim spoilers. These details further emphasize the model's sense of style and sportiness.
Actually, in the first week of September, HAVAL H6 GT held a media test drive in South Africa. TopGear.co.za, SAGMJ, and other local authoritative media all expressed their recognition of this model.
"HAVAL H6 GT integrates the practicality of conventional H6 with modern styling. There is no doubt that it will be well-received by local SUV buyers," commented by TopGear.co.za, a local specialist auto website.
"HAVAL H6 GT is reshaping the appearance of SUVs. This sportier model provides a different product for the H6 SUV, and also complements the currently unique stylistic language of HAVAL H6," commented by the South African Guild of Mobility Journalists (SAGMJ).
HAVAL H6 GT has also equipped with a track mode and an exhaust sound wave system, to give global test drivers a sportier driving experience.
Conrad Groenewald, HAVAL South Africa Chief Operations Officer, said "HAVAL is bringing the brand to consumers in a format that resonates with the market via sponsoring events such as the Rugby World Cup Sevens."
In July this year, HAVAL H6 GT also appeared at Red Bull Quicksand in South Africa, giving spectators a more tangible sense of the coupe SUV's charm. In the Australian market, HAVAL has continuously brought its models and users closer together through cooperation with City2Surf, which is popular among young people.
Except for the HAVAL H6 GT, to meet the differentiated needs of varied worldwide users, the HAVAL H6 family has also been constantly expanding its product lineups by launching a variety of models including the fuel-powered version H6 and HEV/PHEV hybrid version.
GWM HAVAL H6 family plans to launch different versions of products in multiple markets worldwide in the nearly future and hope providing personalized experiences to more users.
Source: GWM
[편집자 주] 이 보도자료는 자료 제공사에서 제공한 것으로, 연합뉴스는 내용에 대해 어떠한 편집도 하지 않았으며, 연합뉴스의 편집방향과는 무관함을 밝혀 드립니다.
출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료
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