[PRNewswire] Huawei Proposes "One Cloud, One Network + Public Services" for
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National Digital Infrastructure Construction
(BANGKOK, Sept. 20, 2022 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) During the session of "Unleash Digital, Accelerating Public Services Transformation" at HUAWEI CONNECT 2022 Bangkok, Huawei focused on key industry scenarios in government, emergency response, education, and healthcare, and proposed the "One Cloud + One Network + Public Services" model to help governments build the national digital foundation, promote the construction of national digital infrastructure, and accelerate public services transformation.
In the digital era, the international community is focusing on driving the development of digital economy and promoting digital infrastructure construction. "It is necessary that national digital infrastructures be established, serving as the cornerstone for national digital transformation," said Simon Zhou, Vice President of Huawei's Global Public Sector.
Successful digital transformation of countries and governments is an important basis for improving public service capabilities. "Data is a new 'crude oil', values of which need to be refined and created, can help government services to be proactive, personalized and people-centric," said KOH HONG ENG, Chief Scientist of Huawei Global Public Sector.
During the conference, Huawei showcased four scenario-based solutions: In the government field, the National Digital Infrastructure solution is designed for government customers. With the goal of "foundation enhancement and road paving", Huawei uses its comprehensive ICT capabilities of cloud-network synergy to provide basic computing support and high-speed network services for inclusive digital services and converged government governance.
In the field of education, the Converged Campus Network solution describes how to implement "all-wireless campus, unified campus network, and intelligent O&M" to support diversified teaching and research innovation. It also aims at improving campus management quality and efficiency, and accelerating the digitalization of education. The Smart Classroom solution uses Huawei IdeaHub as the entry and works with partners to deliver innovative online and offline teaching experience.
In the field of intelligent healthcare, the All-Optical Medical Imaging solution leveraging Huawei's E2E ICT capabilities, it builds an overall solution featuring "all-optical hospital area + active-active data center + eViewer" to reduce the image reading latency and enable image reading within seconds.
In the emergency response field, the Smart Emergency Response solution uses the converged command center and eLTE emergency broadband network to improve emergency response efficiency and ensure cross-department and multi-service emergency communication. It also provides effective assurance for critical infrastructure, promptly detects and handles potential emergency crises, and safeguards people's lives and property.
Source: Huawei Connect
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