[PRNewswire] Angel Yeast Launches Premium Dry Yeast to Cater to Changing
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Global Baking Needs at Bakery China 2022
(SHANGHAI, Sept. 20, 2022 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Angel Yeast [https://en.angelyeast.com/ ], (SH600298), the world's leading yeast manufacturer announces that it has developed the latest dry yeast product Premium Dry Yeast to address many of today's baking challenges at Bakery China 2022 -- a global largest event serving the entire value chain for the bakery and confectionery market.
These innovative yeasts meet the latest requirements of the baking industry for stability, convenience and overall adaptability, and Angel Yeast remains committed to continually introducing higher-quality products to help the industry grow and thrive.
With the widespread use of yeast in a variety of baking applications, yeast producers are faced with the objective challenge of creating formulations that meet the requirements of changing environments, the culinary customs of each region, as well as the expectations of different consumers. Premium Dry Yeast, the latest dry yeast developed by Angel, responds to the industry's latest requirements for baked goods.
The innovative advantages of Premium Dry Yeast include:
- High-sugar yeast resistant to high osmotic pressure and weak organic acids
Some traditional French croissants and brioche as well as Italian panettone have high sugar and oil content, and excess oil or sugar may affect yeast fermentation. Large-scale food producers need to extend the shelf life of their bread and baked goods, so they need yeast that is resistant to weak organic acids to meet this requirement. Angel Yeast's new Premium high-sugar dry yeast product is resistant to high sugar, high salt content and weak organic acids, overcoming this challenge and ensuring rapid, high-quality fermentation.
- Resistance to cold shock
Bakers in tropical climates must deal with high temperatures and harsh production environments. They need to add ice to control the dough temperature and avoid yeast fermentation that is too rapid. Angel Yeast's new high and low-sugar yeasts are resistant to cold shock, meaning that they still allow standard fermentation that is critical in recipes that require the addition of ice and cold water despite the significantly lower temperatures.
- Well-adapted and easy to use
Harsh production conditions are another challenge for bakers worldwide. As a result, both mass-scale bakeries and home bakers seek high-quality, easy-to-use ingredients to maximize the overall appeal of their finished goods. The introduction of this new and innovative yeast is a testament to Angel Yeast's dedication to improving the quality and adaptability of dry yeast in the absence of specialized equipment such as fermenters and mixers, even when dealing with poor flour quality.
The research and development (R&D) process of Angel Yeast's premium varieties of dry yeast has been comprehensive and responsive. Experimental phases have been designed for each application scenario, including high and low-temperature environments and different formulations. The formulations are then adjusted to improve the performance of the yeast based on the test results.
High-sugar yeast is designed for bakery products requiring recipes with 5%-30% sugar, while low-sugar yeast is suitable for baked goods made with recipes containing 0%-12% sugar. Angel Yeast's new low-sugar variety is more tolerant to sugar, not only feasible for low-sugar bread recipes, but also for fermenting high-sugar formulations.
Yeast producers select high-quality yeast strains from around the world and cultivate them in a variety of extreme environments through techniques such as adjusting the physiological parameters to produce yeasts that can tolerate different environments. One strain comes from the Himalayan region and is resistant to cold water, the second strain is resistant to heat and high temperatures, while a third strain, originating from a high-altitude, low-oxygen location, comes with a strong natural growth capacity and adaptability.
In addition, both yeast varieties have a water content of not more than 5%, translating into a longer, 24-month shelf life in a cool, dry place under regular storage conditions. Quality, safety and customer value are at the heart of Angel Yeast's culture and approach to yeast fermentation and development, and Angel Yeast's new premium dry yeast provides a much needed solution to today's global baking challenges and consumer expectations.
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(PRNewsfoto/Angel Yeast)
Source: Angel Yeast
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