[AsiaNet] The 10th Inner Mongolia "Grassland Talent" High-level Talent

보도자료 원문 2022. 9. 5. 14:54
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Cooperation Conference kicked off

AsiaNet 97664

(ORDOS, China, Sept. 5, 2022 AsiaNet=연합뉴스) Attraction and Fostering of Talent, to Let "Swift Horses" Run at the Northern Border

The 10th "Grassland Talent" High-level Talent Cooperation Conference & Hohhot-Baotou-Ordos-Ulanqab Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Week is held in Hohhot, Baotou, Ordos and Ulanqab from September 3 to 9.

With the theme of "Gather Talent through a Strong Center and Activated Points - Facilitate Development by Innovation", the Talent Week is oriented towards opening and practice, centered around the coordinated interaction between "the center" and "points", and held in the form of joint action by 4 cities with 1 main venue and 3 branch venues based on the platform of the Hohhot-Baotou-Ordos-Ulanqab Talent Management Reform Pilot Zone, during which 37 events in 5 categories will be carried out, including talent project consultations, themed seminars, entrepreneurship and employment activities, innovation and entrepreneurship competitions, and achievement exhibitions, according to the Information Office of Ordos Municipal Government.

As the main venue, Ordos will hold 12 events in 5 categories, including an opening ceremony, attraction of investment and talent, seminars, visits and consultations, and entrepreneurship and employment.

In recent years, Ordos focuses on the strategic positioning of "2 barriers, 2 bases and 1 bridgehead". Among pioneer areas that accelerate building to "explore a new path for high-quality development oriented towards giving priority to ecology and achieving green development", Ordos emphasizes the support of talent and technology, sets a goal of building a national innovative city, deeply implements the strategies of "talent-based Ordos" and "innovation-driven development", and puts the "30 new policies on talent" and "30 new policies on technology" fully into practice, to comprehensively improve the level of work on talent and technology in such aspects as the institutional environment, paths of introduction and fostering, and service support.

Since 2022, in particular, Ordos has been arranging work on talent by closely adapting to industrial development, and depending on talent to facilitate industrial development. With unconventional measures and extraordinary strength, Ordos is fully recreating new advantages in talent gathering and industrial iteration, striving to "open up a path", create a first-class highland for talent and technical innovation, and facilitate the formation of an ecosystem attracting talent with industries, promoting industries by talent, and integrating industries and talent.

Source: The Information Office of Ordos Municipal Government

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