[AsiaNet] First World Vocational and Technical Education Development

보도자료 원문 2022. 8. 19. 09:26
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Conference held in north China's Tianjin

AsiaNet 97473

(TIANJIN, China, Aug. 19, 2022 AsiaNet=연합뉴스) From August 19 to 20, the first World Vocational and Technical Education Development Conference (https://m.wvtedc.com/m/en-US?_t=ReI) will be held in north China's Tianjin. Centering on the new changes, new approaches and new skills during the development of vocational and technical education in the post-pandemic era, the conference has attracted about 700 delegates from 123 countries.

This conference is sponsored by the Ministry of Education (MOE), the National Commission for UNESCO of China and the Tianjin Municipal People's Government, and undertaken by the Vocational Education Development Center of the MOE, the Open University of China, the China Association for International Exchange of Education, the China Vocational and Technical Education Association and the Tianjin Municipal Education Commission.

During the conference, the first world vocational college skills competition and the cloud expo of the integration of industry and education of world vocational education will be held, and the initiative of preparing for the world vocational and technical education development alliance will be issued, forming a new platform and paradigm for international exchange and cooperation of vocational education that include a variety of forms.

The opening ceremony and the main forum will be held on August 19. Education ministers or ambassadors from 18 countries, representatives of some international organizations, industry organizations, well-known enterprises and vocational colleges will deliver speeches. On August 20, 14 parallel forums will be held, featuring attendance of more than 250 renowned experts and scholars from various countries. The conference will issue the proposal for the establishment of the world vocational and technical education development alliance and the Tianjin Initiative.

Source: Tianjin Municipal People's Government

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