[PRNewswire] Apps UP Returns with Over US$1 Million Prize Money
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(SHENZHEN, China, June 24, 2022 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) HUAWEI Developers invite developers around the world to put their skills to the test with the launch of Huawei Global App Innovation Contest (Apps UP) 2022 on 24 June 2022, with registrations now opened globally. With this year's theme "Together We Innovate", Apps Up has set aside rich prizes of over US$1 million as with previous editions, to encourage submissions that brings a seamless, digital, and innovative experience to consumers.
The contest has been running for two consecutive years prior, receiving nearly 10,000 submissions from almost 10,000 developers, and has provided a platform for developers to realise their dreams on global stage.
"This contest is now in its third consecutive year," said Wang Yue, President of Huawei Consumer Cloud Service Application Ecosystem BU, at the competition's launch event, "Huawei hopes to pool the skills of developers globally to bring smart apps and experiences across Huawei devices to more consumers worldwide, for a digital future now."
Apps Up 2022 brings 7 award categories across 5 competition regions
The contest, launched in Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East & Africa, and China simultaneously, is divided into the following stages: Registration & Submission, Preliminary, Public Review, and Regional Finals.
Along with the Best App, Best Game, Best Social Impact App, All-Scenario Coverage Award, and Tech Women's Award, the China Competition Region this year adds the Best Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) Innovation Award, which encourages developers to create apps that integrate new HMS capabilities and services, as well as the Student Innovation Award, which recognises outstanding student developers that showcases innovative works enriched with the Seamless AI experience.
Special awards have also been set up for some competition regions with the purpose of localising the HMS ecosystem, including the Best Arabic App in the Middle East & Africa Competition Region, the Best Game Innovation Award in the Latin America Competition Region, and the AppGallery Rising Star App in the Asia Pacific Competition Region.
Apps Up 2022 sees new exciting incentives for contestants
This year's contestants can also get their hands on a range of exciting incentives, including the serverless service vouchers from AppGallery Connect.
Aligning with its Seamless AI life strategy, Huawei has released a number of HMS capabilities that support an array of devices, and continually providing a better AI life experience for users across scenarios.
Huawei's HMS ecosystem will continue to empower developers. Apps UP, as one of the many available platforms for developers to join the HMS ecosystem, will inspire developers to create more groundbreaking AI life apps and services in a number of fields, for a worldwide audience.
For more information, visit: [link [https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/en/activity/digixActivity/digixdetail/201655277856046898 ]]
About HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS)
HUAWEI Mobile Services is part of Huawei Consumer Business Group which aims to provide a complete mobile experience to users globally. As of 31st December 2021, HUAWEI Mobile Services covers 730 million users in over 170 countries, enabling smart living for every Huawei device user.
Source: AppGallery, Huawei
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출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료
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