[PRNewswire] Huawei Debuts Digital Banking Solutions in TCF 2022
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(LONDON, May 21, 2022 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) At the Temenos Community Forum (TCF 2022) held during May 17 to 19, Huawei attended as a silver sponsor and debuted cloud-native, agile, trusted, and open digital banking solutions.
TCF 2022 is one of the world's largest global banking technology conferences. As a strategic partner of Temenos, Huawei's innovative technologies and solutions are well poised to help financial institutions shape smarter and greener finance. Huawei provides trusted hardware and cloud foundation, and an end-to-end microservice solution. Each capability is componentized, standardized, and visualized, enabling services to be quickly assembled and achieving agile development based on service requirements. In addition, Huawei provides open APIs to help partners and banks better customize services.
Digital banking integrates the capabilities of Huawei and partners to build a next-generation IT architecture featuring high performance, high capacity, high elasticity, high reliability, openness, convergence, security and controllability. The latest digital banking solution allows financial institutions to rapidly roll out new banking services in just three months. Huawei digital banking solution possesses the following capabilities:
1. Comprehensive application modernization, including more agile application development, more flexible governance, and more efficient integration.
2. Full-stack data intelligence to quickly support decision-making from data generation, access, and governance to data service provision.
3. Cloud migration solutions that cover the entire process of planning, building, migration, management, and optimization, making cloud transformation more reliable.
4. End to End security management of cloud services to ensure reliable data flow.
"Based on global cloud service capabilities, Huawei empowers agile capabilities that provide 'Everything as a Service' for financial institutions. In strategic partnership with Temenos, the world-leading banking software company, we provide cloud-native solutions for banks and have deployed our solutions based on Huawei's public cloud in Singapore," said Jason Cao, the President of the Global Financial Services Business Unit of Huawei Enterprise BG, "Huawei will continue to dive deep into the global financial industry, develop the global ecosystem to cooperate with partners, and share our best experiences to accelerate financial transformation with our global clients."
By the end of 2021, Huawei had served over 2,000 financial institutions from more than 60 countries and regions, including 48 of the world's top 100 banks.
Source: Huawei
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출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료
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