[PRNewswire] Petal Maps brings the navigation experience to life with the
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all-new HUAWEI Mate Xs 2
-- Together, the combination of superior hardware and software offers users a clearer, more immersive navigation experience
(MILAN, May 18, 2022 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) On May 18, 2022, Huawei officially released the foldable phone HUAWEI Mate Xs 2 in Milan. The newly launched HUAWEI Mate Xs 2 offers the perfect blend of powerful technology and an upgraded user experience on HMS apps. As Huawei's exclusive mapping app, Petal Maps has also been adapted to the new smartphone. The bendable and expansive capabilities of the foldable screen give users a clearer and more immersive navigation experience, making travel more seamless than ever.
Experience the larger-than-life navigation of Petal Maps further with HUAWEI Mate Xs 2's bigger screen
The bigger screen lets users see more information at once and allows for additional lane-level navigation and arrow guidance in Petal Maps, delivering clearer and more immersive navigation.
While navigating, Petal Maps lets users enjoy a better view of the roads they're on, with lane-specific information and arrow guidance. This equips users so that they can make key decisions in advance, such as turning, getting on a ramp, or passing through the intersection safely.
What's more, while you're driving, you can handily unfold the screen and place it on your vehicle's central console. The phone's foldable screen will then similarly work as the car's central console for a smoother, more vibrant navigation display as you cruise through the streets.
Petal Maps with the HUAWEI Mate Xs 2 lets you work on whatever size of screen suits you best ? you can fold and unfold it depending on your preference for a smaller or larger navigation display, whether you're driving or walking.
Petal Maps offers UI/UX improvements for users with the bigger screen of the HUAWEI Mate Xs 2
Petal Maps has always prioritised making user interactions as fun and engaging as possible, applying a streamlined interface, producing brighter and more authentic colours, strengthening street-level and architectural details, and rendering true-to-life lighting at a 3D level.
The app also incorporates map layers, such as 3D maps, to reproduce nuances of real-world conditions onscreen. The 3D maps display produces a more holistic level of detail. With realistic lighting effects, users will be able to see streetlights and building lights in dark mode when they're navigating at night.
The phone's bigger screen serves to enhance the rich detail of the 3D layer, with elements like weather, time of day, and lighting effects visible on Petal Maps, bringing new insights into view.
Additionally, the 3D layer now includes prominent landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, London Eye, and Kuala Lumpur Tower, all rendered in 3D so that users can travel the world in the mind's eye, without even having to set foot outside.
The app's leading UI interaction experience has been recognised, as Petal Maps garnered a prestigious Red Dot Design Award [https://www.red-dot.org/project/petal-maps-55184 ]. Featuring superior UX design and colour reproduction, it provides minimalistic visuals, streamlined operations, and buttery-smooth page switching for an unprecedented level of immersion when one opens the app.
In 2021, the app grew by leaps and bounds and continues to flourish. Aiming to grow from strength to strength, the app's creators have applied professional colour gamut management and reproduction of the HUAWEI Mate Xs 2 to ensure that the maps onscreen capture the beauty of real-world settings, while remaining clear and accessible.
Petal Maps continues to build a richer, more realistic user experience
Since its release in October 2020, Petal Maps has adhered to a vision of creating "a new way to explore the world", offering ground-breaking navigation features that have made waves. Petal Maps has already been released in more than 160 countries and regions around the world, and garnered more than 28 million monthly active users, as well as widespread acclaim.
To further elevate the user experience, Petal Maps has launched many useful features. With useful enhancements like Lane Guidance, which helps users to identify and navigate complex road and traffic scenarios, and the Offline Maps function, which enables Petal Maps to be used with limited internet access, Petal Maps lets you find your way seamlessly.
In addition, Petal Maps has recently released a lot of interesting new features, like personalised skins for the four seasons, and temperature and precipitation layers. Users can switch the themed skins based on their personal preferences, and view future temperature and precipitation changes using the map visualisation effect.
Looking forward, Petal Maps continues to elevate the All-Scenario Seamless AI Life Experience through strong hardware and software collaborations such as this one, bringing richer and more innovative user experiences to consumers around the world.
(Availability of HUAWEI Mate Xs 2 and Petal Maps features may vary by countries/regions; actual conditions should prevail.)
If you would like to find out more about Petal Maps, here is the direct download link for Petal Maps: https://petalmaps.dre.agconnect.link/pvB6pK
Source: Petal Maps
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출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료
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