[PRNewswire] Huawei Releases Flagship Foldable HUAWEI Mate Xs 2 and other
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products, elevating its synergy between software and hardware
-- The folding phone's superior hardware offers enhanced features from the Huawei Mobile Services Ecosystem
(MILAN, Italy, May 18, 2022 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) HUAWEI has launched the HUAWEI Mate Xs 2, HUAWEI's flagship foldable smartphone, offering an elevated All-Scenario Seamless AI Life Experience on HMS apps. The HUAWEI Watch GT 3 Pro has also been launched, bridging the gap between smart and fitness watches. users.
HUAWEI Mate Xs 2 & Petal Maps- making navigation seamless
Optimised for the foldable screen, Petal Maps' leading user experience design and colour reproduction with professional colour gamut management offer a true-to-life, easy-to-use experience with HUAWEI Mate Xs 2.
The latest version of Petal Maps includes a lighting effect in dark mode, which shows road lights and building lights while driving at night or in dark mode.
Personalised skins for Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter have been launched, with temperature and precipitation layers added.
With Lane-level guidance, lane-specific information, and arrow, Petal Maps offers users a better view of their surroundings on the foldable screen.
HUAWEI Browser, HUAWEI Books, HUAWEI Video, and Petal Search - Optimised for the wider screen with Smart Multi-Window
HUAWEI Mobile Cloud on the HUAWEI Mate Xs 2 makes data management easier. Features like automatic backups, cross-device syncing of data, and Find Device, mean that precious memories are always at hand.
Additionally, Huawei's AI web layout optimisation feature optimises the web page content on the foldable.
Harnessing the folding capabilities of the HUAWEI Mate Xs, HUAWEI Books incorporates its "double page turning" interface, which reproduces the look and feel of traditional books.
On the HUAWEI Mate Xs 2, news, applications, and more in Petal Search can be displayed smoothly in a dual-window layout with Smart Multi-Window.
GameCenter on the HUAWEI Mate Xs 2 provides more room for enhanced gameplay
With its vast game library and exclusive benefits, GameCenter on HUAWEI Mate Xs 2's big screen lets users enjoy games such as State of Survival and Mobile Legends: BangBang.
AppGallery on the HUAWEI Mate Xs 2 Brings You Big-Screen Apps
AppGallery has launched a comprehensive developmental framework and design specifications specifically for foldable phones and supports the App Multiplier feature, which allows two pages within the same app to be displayed on each of the phone's screens.
HUAWEI Watch GT 3 Pro
The fashionable and refined HUAWEI Watch GT 3 Pro will be available in Ceramic and Titanium. Huawei has also launched a new "Sense" Series of watch faces which incorporate the fine-grained details of traditional timepieces.
For more information on the products launched, please visit: https://consumer.huawei.com/en/
About HUAWEI Mobile Services (HMS)
HUAWEI Mobile Services is part of Huawei Consumer Business Group which aims to provide a complete mobile experience to users globally. As of 31st March 2022, HUAWEI Mobile Services covers 730 million users in over 170 countries, enabling smart living for every Huawei device user.
For more information please visit: https://consumer.huawei.com/uk/mobileservices/
Source: AppGallery, Huawei
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출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료
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