[PRNewswire] LMI Technologies Launches Industry-First Smart 3D Line Confocal
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-- The Gocator(R) 5000 series adds powerful line confocal imaging (LCI) technology to the Gocator(R) family of trusted laser and structured light 3D smart sensors.
(VANCOUVER, BC, May 18, 2022 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) LMI Technologies (LMI) [http://www.lmi3d.com/ ], a leading developer of 3D scanning and inspection solutions, is pleased to announce the official release of its new Gocator(R) 5500 series of smart 3D line confocal sensors. This major product release introduces the first line confocal sensor running Gocator(R) 's trusted smart sensor platform, complete with next-generation on-sensor IIoT vision web-based software, onboard measurement tools, I/O connectivity, and much more.
Gocator(R) 5500 sensors are unique among existing confocal technologies in that they feature a dual-axis design that delivers simultaneous generation of 3D topography, 3D tomography, and 2D intensity data. This allows Gocator(R) 5000 sensors to scan practically any material type -- including multi-layered, transparent/translucent, curved edge, shiny, textured, mixed, and many more -- with submicron precision, and at a level of quality and speed that outperforms competing confocal technologies.
A quick look at Gocator 5500 sensor capabilities:
- Simultaneous generation of multiple profiles from multi-layer structures
- Generates 1792 data points per profile
- Fast scan rates (Over 10 kHz with PC acceleration)
- High X resolution, sub-micron Z precision
- Handles wide variety of material types
- Dual-axis optical design provides higher signal quality
- Runs next-generation onboard measurement and inspection software
"The Gocator(R) 5500 Series introduces a powerfully effective line confocal scanning approach for the inspection of challenging material structures such as multi-layer, transparent and curved edge, and now with next-generation on-sensor IIoT vision software and Gocator's renowned smart features and capabilities. The result is an end-to-end, user-friendly surface evaluation solution that provides customers with unmatched performance leveraging the industry's first smart LCI technology", said Mark Radford, CEO, LMI Technologies.
Gocator(R) 5504 and 5512 models are now available for order at orders@lmi3d.com. The Gocator 5516 model will be available for order later in 2022. You can also email contact@lmi3d.com to discuss the right Gocator 5500 model for your application.
If you'd prefer to learn more details about this exciting new product before getting in touch, visit our Gocator 5500 product page [https://lmi3d.com/gocator-5500-series-smart-3d-line-confocal-sensors/ ].
About LMI Technologies
As the global leader in 3D scanning and inspection, LMI Technologies works to advance quality and productivity with 3D sensor technology. Our award-winning, FactorySmart(R) laser, snapshot, and line confocal sensors improve the quality and efficiency of factory production by providing fast, accurate, reliable inspection solutions that leverage smart 3D technologies. Unlike contact based measurement or 2D vision, our non-contact solutions add 3D shape information that is critical to achieving 100% quality control.
To learn more about how LMI's inspection solutions can benefit your business, we invite you to contact us at contact@lmi3d.com or visit us at www.lmi3d.com to explore the possibilities of smart 3D technology.
Source: LMI Technologies
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출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료
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