[AsiaNet] Focusing on the Protection of Wetlands in Coastal Areas, the World

최정환 2022. 1. 14. 12:55
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Coastal Forum was Held in Yancheng

AsiaNet 94065

(YANCHENG, China, Jan. 14, 2022 AsiaNet=연합뉴스) The World Coastal Forum was held in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province January 10-11, both online and offline. With the theme of "Harmonious Coexistence: To Build a Community of Life for Human and Nature", the protection of coastal wetlands was thoroughly discussed to build a global ecological civilization, according to the organizing committee of the World Coastal Forum.

The increase of human coastal development activities and the aggravation of the impact of climate change has become a zone with a sharp decline in biodiversity, fragile ecosystem and frequent natural disasters, and the ecological protection of the coastal area has become a common global challenge.

International organizations such as the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat, Convention on Biological Diversity, Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals and International Union for Conservation of Nature have called for the holding of a global coastal forum to promote coastal ecological protection and sustainable development focusing on wetlands.

In response to the call of the international community, the Chinese government has taken the lead in hosting the World Coastal Forum to share successful experiences with relevant parties in the international community and promote joint protection actions. The forum conducted in-depth discussions on forward-looking, pragmatic, and leading issues such as coastal wetlands, migratory birds, climate change, marine blue carbon, and biodiversity, to contribute wisdom and experience to the building of a community of life for human and nature.

Initiative on the Establishment of World Coastal Forum adopted by this forum has been recognized and supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the cooperation organization for the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat, International Union for Conservation of Nature, other international organizations in Russia, South Korea, France, relevant government departments, embassies of relevant countries in China, and representatives of international cities, who have expressed congratulations on the convening of the forum by video. At the same time, China has been appreciated for the efforts in the field of international cooperation in environmental protection.

Source: The Organizing Committee of the World Coastal Forum

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