[AsiaNet] President Jokowi Highlights Three Points in Indonesia's G20

최정환 2021. 12. 3. 13:28
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(from left) Governor of Jakarta Anies Baswedan, Vice Chairman of BPK Agus Joko Pramono, Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives Lodewijk F Paulus, Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, Bank Indonesia Governor Perry Warjiyo, Chair Business 20 Shinta Widjaja Kamdani, dan Co Chair Youth 20 Michael Victor Sianipar attend the opening of 2022 G20 Ceremony in Jakarta, Wednesday. ANTARA FOTO/Hafidz Mubarak A/wsj.


AsiaNet 93421

(JAKARTA, Indonesia, Dec. 3, AsiaNet=연합뉴스) President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) says that Indonesia's G20 Presidency in 2022 will focus on three strategic issues, namely inclusive health management, digital-based transformation, and the transition toward sustainable energy.

"In the G20 Presidency, Indonesia will focus on handling inclusive health care, digital-based transformation, and the transition to sustainable energy," Jokowi noted at the opening ceremony of the G20 Indonesia Presidency on Wednesday.

While holding the G20 Presidency, Indonesia will carry the theme of Recover Together, Recover Stronger.

Moreover, Jokowi considers the G20 Presidency as a trust and honor for Indonesia. The presidency is also an opportunity for Indonesia to have more contributions to the world's economic recovery.

The President emphasizes that Indonesia will strive to build fair and sustainable world governance based on world peace and social justice.

"Indonesia is trying to build fair world governance. We are aiming to strengthen world solidarity in overcoming climate change and sustainable development, as well as gathering commitment from developed countries to help developing countries," Jokowi continued.

On the same occasion, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto, conveyed that Indonesia's G20 Presidency aims for the world to emerge from the crisis and become more resilient.

To achieve the goal, it requires a transformation in the way of working, a change in mindset and business model, as well as opportunity utilization amid the pandemic to bring new breakthroughs, Hartarto added.

He later continues that in this Presidency, Indonesia will use the forums at the G20 to fight for the aspirations and interests of developing countries to create fair governance in the world. This is to strengthen world solidarity in overcoming the threat of climate change and promote sustainable development.

From December 1, 2021, until November 30, 2022, Indonesia will officially become the G20 Presidency, continuing the relay of Presidency from Italy.

The G20 is a global forum consisting of 19 countries and one European Union. The Forum, which was formed in 1999, contributes to 80 percent of the world's Gross Domestic Product and 75 percent of world exports.

SOURCE: Ministry of Communication and Informatics

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