[AsiaNet] A Series of Videos Posted on Social Media to Promote E. China's

최정환 2021. 11. 26. 10:24
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Screenshots of videos

Jiangxi to the World

AsiaNet 93278

(NANCHANG, China, Nov. 26, 2021 AsiaNet=연합뉴스) In recent days, a series of short videos featuring natural sceneries, cultural folk customs and green development in east China's Jiangxi Province were posted on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other international social media platforms by Xinhua News Agency via its accounts. The videos have all shown a beautiful and dynamic Jiangxi to the world.

By far, eight episodes of the series have been posted, covering natural beauty of Mount Lu, Mt. Sanqingshan and Jing'an County, folk customs like "Shaiqiu" in Wuyuan County and Dragon Boat Festival in Ruichang County, intangible cultural heritages like rice farming culture of Wannian County and traditional Chinese medicine processing skills of Zhangshu, and harmonious coexistence of human beings and Yangtze finless porpoises that live in the Ganjiang River, according to the Information Office of Jiangxi Province.

The last two episodes introducing thermal spring of Mingyueshan Mountain and ecological protection of theYangze River will be published before December 1.

Through these videos, Jiangxi hopes to let friends from all over the world know of Jiangxi better and also welcomes more friends from home and abroad to travel, work and live in Jiangxi.

Source: The Information Office of Jiangxi Province

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출처 : 아시아넷 보도자료

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