[PRNewswire] Xinhua Silk Road: 14th Anji Investment & Trade Talents Fair kicks

최정환 2021. 10. 27. 11:39
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off on Oct. 23 in east China's Anji

(BEIJING, Oct. 27, 2021 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) The 14th Anji Investment [https://en.imsilkroad.com/investment/index.html ] & Trade [https://en.imsilkroad.com/trade/index.html ] Talents Fair of New Era "Nature is Invaluable Assets" initiative Pilot Site 2021 kicked off on October 23 in Anji county, east China's Zhejiang Province.

The event attracted businessmen and guests from all over the country to gather together to jointly discuss and explore the path of green development and common prosperity in Anji.

About 40 projects involving 49.11 billion yuan of investment [https://en.imsilkroad.com/investment/index.html ] were signed during the fair. Among the projects, 89 worth 37.56 billion yuan were signed at the expo, including two fund projects, two talent projects, one primary industry project, four tertiary industry projects, as well as 17 manufacturing projects, and 14 worth 11.55 billion yuan were inked outside the venue of the fair.

In addition to opening ceremony and project signing ceremony, the event also features a series of activities, such as conference, various contests and forums.

With "building a window for showcasing beautiful Chinese counties" on the top of the agenda, Anji faithfully practice the concept of lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, and make every effort to speed up the introduction of high-quality projects and high-end talents, push forward green development, and deeply promote the construction of the "two mountains" pilot area.

It is learned that a total of 95 projects worth more than 100 million yuan each have been inked in Anji from January to September, with the total planned investment of 36.6 billion yuan.

An official noted that the fair has developed into a vital investment and trade [https://en.imsilkroad.com/trade/index.html ] talent negotiation event with a certain regional influence and the epitome of Anji's unswerving path of green development.

Themed on "Reform and Innovation, Green development", the event has been held for fourteen consecutive years since 2008 in Anji.

Original Link: https://en.imsilkroad.com/p/324455.html

Source: Xinhua Silk Road

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