[AsiaNet] Zaozhuang in Shandong promotes all-for-one tourism through rural
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tourism demonstration
AsiaNet 92522
(ZAOZHUANG, China, Oct. 22, 2021 AsiaNet=연합뉴스) At a recent news conference held by the Information Office of Zaozhuang Municipal People's Government, it was disclosed that 5.823 million tourists visited Zaozhuang in the first half of this year, generating RMB 4.4 billion in tourism revenue. Over recent years, Zaozhuang has spear-headed all-for-one tourism by enthusiastically promoting rural tourism, and has thrown its support behind a new business model integrating culture and tourism. These strategies have achieved remarkable results.
Lizhuang, also in Fengmao, is a resettlement village for people from reservoir areas. In the past, the villagers here have lived off farming and fishing. With the revitalization of rural areas, a professional tourism cooperative has been established in Lizhuang, and a folk courtyard cluster area demonstrating local culture has begun to take shape: The stone mill enables visitors to sample and buy various tofu dishes; at the oil mill visitors can experience the process of squeezing plump peanuts into pure peanut oil; the hot pepper yard processes hot red peppers into various pickles, which have become top-selling tourist products; the stir-fried Lizhuang spicy chicken leaves a lasting aftertaste; the calabash yard invites visitors to drink tea, listen to drum music and watch plays performed by villagers. A series of themed settings have really livened up every yard, and today, Lizhuang has become a well-known model village for rural tourism.
Yicheng District in Zaozhuang is the famous Hometown of Chinese Pomegranates with the largest collection of pomegranate germplasm resources in China. The Guanshi Pomegranate Garden here is widely reputed. In recent years, Yicheng District has focused intently on the development of the pomegranate bonsai industry and other pomegranate products, pomegranate culture and local traditional advantages. There are now more than 200 pomegranate bonsai enterprises in the district, employing more than 4,000 people. The annual sales volume of pomegranate bonsais is around 500,000 units, with a turnover of RMB 500 to 800 million. Yicheng District has also seen the development of more than 20 pomegranate by-product business opportunities, namely juice, wine, tea, oral solutions, cosmetics, and so on. There is continuing focus on the development of pomegranate tourist attractions, and it is proving to be a great success.
Source: The Information Office of Zaozhuang Municipal People's Government
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