[PRNewswire] CCTV+: Broadcasters' Joint Initiative on Protection of

최정환 2021. 10. 16. 00:02
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Joint Initiative on Protection of Biodiversity Launched (PRNewsfoto/CCTV+)

Biodiversity Launched

(BEIJING, Oct. 15, 2021 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) As the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) is being held in Kunming from October 11 to 15, the National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA) of China, Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union, Arab States Broadcasting Union, African Union of Broadcasting and European Broadcasting Union jointly announced the launch of Joint Initiative on Protection of Biodiversity on October 15.

The Joint Initiative calls on global broadcasters and electronic media professionals to fulfill their commitment to biodiversity protection and strengthen international cooperation in news reporting, program production and mutual exchanges to make positive contribution to advancing ecological civilization and building a shared future for all life on earth.

Meng Dong, Vice Minister of NRTA and Li Malin, Vice Governor of Yunnan Province attended and addressed the launch of the Initiative. Melissa Fleming, UN Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications and heads of ABU, ASBU and EBU delivered video remarks to the event.

The key points of the Initiative are as follows:

All Parties:

Fully note that global biodiversity is under unprecedented crisis; Agree unanimously that mankind and nature constitute a community with a shared future; Highly recognize that electronic media assumes irreplaceable social responsibilities in advancing ecological civilization and biodiversity protection.

Upholding the Kunming Declaration spirit, all parties would like to call for joint actions as follows:

1. Publicize UN documents and report on biodiversity-related UN activities.

2. Produce and broadcast more audio-visual products featuring biodiversity and ecological protection to enhance public understanding.

3. Strengthen international cooperation on co-production, joint interviews, exchange of content and mutual visits.

4. Consider cooperation with relevant public and private stakeholders to carry out biodiversity-related projects.

5. Strengthen the knowledge and organize training and seminars on biodiversity for electronic media professionals.

Source: CCTV+

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