[AsiaNet] The 16th Yulin International Coal and High-end Energy Chemicals

최정환 2021. 10. 15. 11:36
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Visitors learn about various kinds of mining robots at the exhibition.

Industry Expo Held in Yulin, China

AsiaNet 92316

(YULIN, China, Oct.15, 2021 AsiaNet=연합뉴스) The 16th Yulin International Coal and High-end Energy Chemicals Industry Expo opened on October 13 in Yulin, a major energy supply base in northwest China's Shaanxi Province. The Expo was jointly organized by the CPC Yulin Municipal Committee, the People's Government of Yulin City, and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shaanxi Sub-council. It attracted more than 520 exhibitors representing well-known industry players from China and abroad.

With a total area of 53,000 square meters, the exhibits covered six major categories, including smart digitalization, smart manufacturing, low carbon development, green mining, and new energy. The three-day event also included 13 forums and sessions on topics including the development of the high-end energy and chemicals industry, the development of energy and chemical equipment manufacturing, and smart innovation of coal mines. These categories clearly demonstrated a focus on China's carbon peak and carbon neutrality commitments.

Yulin City, located in the northernmost part of Shaanxi Province, is a major energy supply base in China. It is an energy resource-rich area along the Belt and Road, with abundant coal, oil, gas and salt deposits in the region, as well as abundant solar, wind and biomass resources.With more than 20 years of development, Yulin has constructed a well-established energy industry base and put together a system centered on the electric power and chemicals industries bolstered by the exploitation of coal, oil, gas and salts. In addition, it has explored areas in green mining, comprehensive conversion, and clean energy production.

As the Chinese government released its peak carbon and carbon neutrality plans, local governments at all levels have taken action to develop their specific plans for carbon emissions. With a proactive response to the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, the major energy source city of Yulin has arrived at four strategies: curbing energy-intensive and high-emissions projects; cutting carbon emissions from the source; promoting carbon capture at the end stage; and launching a dual control system over total energy consumption and energy intensity.

In recent years, Yulin has continued its advance down the path of technological innovation. The 14th Five-Year Plan has opened a window of opportunity for Yulin's transformation and acceleration as a resource-based city. It is a critical period for Yulin for the development of emerging industry chains and the assembly of industry clusters. "The next step is for Yulin to transform its economic development from resource-based and investment-driven to technological innovation-driven. The city'S focus will be on the deployment and development of emerging industries such as intelligent unmanned systems, renewable energy, and new materials," said Yulin City Mayor, Zhang Shengli.

Source: The People's Government of Yulin City

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