[PRNewswire] Eka Global Increases Production Capacity by 15%
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Chaiwat Nantiruj, Eka Global's Group CEO, said, "The COVID-19 pandemic has changed people's way of life. Self-quarantine and food delivery have become an integral part of our "New Normal" lifestyles. The global food-delivery industry has seen a significant increase in business, leading to a greater demand for our longevity packaging that promotes food safety and provides greater convenience for the consumers."
"Demand for longevity packaging will continue in the future with or without COVID-19," said Chaiwat. "Visionary food producers, exporters and local SMEs have also realized this and are looking for high quality longevity packaging."
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-- Producing over 2,850 million pieces in annual output will help to expand Thai SMEs' business opportunities and enhance the "New Normal" lifestyle of consumers worldwide.
(BANGKOK, Oct. 4, 2021 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) With the world still battling the COVID-19 pandemic and driven by the "New Normal" lifestyle, Eka Global, Asia's No. 1 longevity packaging producer, has been inundated with an increasing demand for its proven rigid-barrier plastic packaging products. This led to a newly installed 10th production-line, enabling the company to increase its production capacity by 15%.
The additional production line, which is fully commissioned and commenced commercial operations in September 2021, will add another 350 million units to Eka Global's current production capacity of 2,500 million units per annum. This will boost the overall production output to 2,850 million units per year.
Chaiwat Nantiruj, Eka Global's Group CEO, said, "The COVID-19 pandemic has changed people's way of life. Self-quarantine and food delivery have become an integral part of our "New Normal" lifestyles. The global food-delivery industry has seen a significant increase in business, leading to a greater demand for our longevity packaging that promotes food safety and provides greater convenience for the consumers."
Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic brought much if the world to a virtual standstill in 2020, Eka Global has been operating at maximum capacity. The company continues to receive ever increasing orders from customers across the Asia Pacific, the USA and Europe. To be well prepared to meet this uptrend in the future, the company felt it feasible to expand its production capacity with this latest investment.
"Demand for longevity packaging will continue in the future with or without COVID-19," said Chaiwat. "Visionary food producers, exporters and local SMEs have also realized this and are looking for high quality longevity packaging."
Together with its commitment to becoming an innovative leader in the longevity packaging market, Eka Global also cares about the environment. The company believes that environmentally friendly packaging is a critical tool to enable Thai SMEs to expand their business overseas and enhances their competitiveness in the global market.
"We aim to minimize the impact of our business on the environment," said Chaiwat. "The Circular Economy concept is key for business development to achieve sustainable growth. We have introduced a 360-degree waste management policy. Our products are already 100% recyclable but we are not yet fully satisfied."
"Our R&D team has been working very hard to come up with more environmentally friendly innovations. Among other research projects that we are working on is using plant-based raw materials to replace petroleum-based products. Our goal is crystal clear, that is to allow consumers to enjoy a New Normal lifestyle with food safety while sharing the responsibility for a Clean Environment."
Source: Eka Global
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출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료
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