[PRNewswire] Colt Commits To Achieving Global Net Zero Emissions By 2030
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-- Colt Group sets comprehensive science-based emissions reduction targets, accredited by the Science-Based Targets Initiative, to achieve net zero emissions goal
(SEOUL, South Korea, Sept. 17, 2021 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Colt Group, comprising Colt Technology Services and Colt Data Centre Services (DCS), today announces its commitment to achieving global net zero carbon for all its own operations by 2030. As a key player in the technology industry, this forms part of its ambitious journey to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon economy through developing new and existing technologies.
Colt has set comprehensive, science-based emissions reduction targets approved by the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). It will reduce its Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 46% by 2030 and work closely with suppliers to significantly reduce Scope 3 emissions throughout its supply chain, to limit global warming to well below 2°C by 2030. The move is embedded in the Group's sustainability strategy, which is core to its DNA and future business strategy.
"As a business, we understand the urgency of taking action to drive positive changes in the technology industry and take full accountability for our emissions. I am thrilled to mark this milestone and commit to science-based targets," said Keri Gilder, CEO at Colt Technology Services. "Colt's goal line is clear: we aim to become a market leader in sustainability by not only reducing our own emissions but also assisting our customers in their own sustainability journeys."
The extensive targets Colt Group have set, include interim targets, demonstrating Colt's credibility, and commitment to immediate action. These include:
- 75% renewable electricity for all sites globally by 2023
- 93% of supply chain emissions aligned to 1.5C SBT by 2025
- 38% electric vehicles in company fleet by 2025 and 75% by 2030
- 100% switch to renewable gas by 2030
Colt's climate strategy will focus on internal carbon reductions across its operations and services. This will mean measuring and disclosing the Group's climate impact and reducing carbon emissions in line with what science says is needed. Any emissions the Group cannot reduce, it will finance through high-integrity carbon removal offsetting.
"Our business has a substantial impact on the planet, and I am delighted to announce that we are embarking on our journey to achieve global net zero carbon emissions for all of our operations in Colt DCS by 2030," continued Niclas Sanfridsson, CEO at Colt Data Centre Services. "This is just the beginning, our Sustainability strategy will continue to ensure we are a key partner of choice for the biggest hyperscale customers in the world. I have full confidence that we are well-equipped to take ambitious action in the decade ahead to meet the Paris Agreement and the Global Goals, having responded to the biggest industry challenges over the last 20 years.
For us, climate action is about creating long-term value while reducing emissions accurately and credibly. Only then can we help deliver the global carbon reductions needed to avoid catastrophic effects of climate change."
About Colt
Colt strives to transform the way the world works through the power of connectivity - taking what's always been in its DNA to enable customers' success. The Colt IQ Network connects more than 900+ data centres and over 29,000 on net buildings across Europe, Asia and North America's largest business hubs.
Colt understands today's shifting connectivity requirements and provides agile, on-demand and secure high bandwidth networking and voice solutions to ensure enterprises can thrive. Customers include data-intensive organisations spanning over 210 cities in more than 30 countries. Colt is a recognised innovator and pioneer in Software Defined Networks (SDN) and Network Function Virtualisation (NFV). Privately owned, Colt is one of the most financially sound companies in the sector, and because of this, it's able to put its customers' needs at its core. For more information, please visit https://colt.net.
About Colt DCS
Colt Data Centre Services provide true service and operational excellence in the design, build, delivery and operational management of hyperscale data centres and hybrid cloud solutions to our customers across Europe and Asia Pacific.
We have over 25 years of experience in operating 26 state-of-the-art carrier neutral data centres across 18 cities, offering 24/7 security and local language support.
Our connectivity and colocation solutions allow our customers freedom to plan effectively for the growth of their business, knowing that their data centre strategy is ready for the demands of tomorrow. For more information about Colt DCS, please visit www.coltdatacentres.net
Source: Colt Technology Services
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