[AsiaNet] 479 Multinational Corporations from China and Abroad Sign Up for the

최정환 2021. 5. 29. 11:14
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Qingdao Multinationals Summit

Second Offline Qingdao Multinationals Summit

AsiaNet 89793

(QINGDAO, China, May 28, 2021 AsiaNet=연합뉴스) The second Qingdao Multinationals Summit will be held in Qingdao, China, on July 15 and 16. To date, 479 multinational corporations have signed up for the event, according to the Shandong Research Center for Multinationals, the organizer of the Summit.

At a press conference convened by the State Council Information Office on May 26 to release details about the Qingdao Multinationals Summit 2021, Qian Keming, Vice Minister of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, said that the event will help to enhance the confidence of multinationals when it comes to investing in China.

The task of inviting corporations to attend is being fast-tracked. According to Ji Binchang, Vice Governor of Shandong Province, 310 multinational corporations from 26 other countries and regions have signed up for the event, so far accounting for 330 individuals planning to attend. 182 people from 169 Chinese multinational corporations have also signed up for the Summit. The number of executives from these various corporations planning to attend is still to be confirmed.

Qingdao, China

This event will include a closed-door meeting of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) to discuss policy and streamlining of customs clearance, and five sessions on intellectual property protection (geographical indications) and cooperation. Some multinationals will take the opportunity of road shows to announce new technologies and products. A research report entitled "Multinational Companies in China: New Opportunities Arising in the New Pattern" will be released during the Summit. The Summit will also include a supporting exhibition. Thus far, more than 600 companies from numerous countries and regions have indicated an interest in the exhibition.

The first summit was held in 2019. According to surveys conducted by third-party organizations, 96.4% of intending attendees said that, after having attended the first Summit in 2019, they were looking forward to the second one. 90% of the respondents said they will recommend this summit to their partners.

Source: Shandong Multinationals Research Center

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The beautiful coastal city of Qingdao

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