[AsiaNet] Ji'nan to hold the "Dialogue Sessions of 2021 for Executives from

최정환 2021. 5. 23. 12:18
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The "Dialogue Sessions of 2021 for Executives from Multinational Corporations (Ji'nan) & China-Japan Industrial Innovation and Development Exchange Conference" will be held in Ji'nan from May 27 to 28.

Multinational Corporations (Ji'nan) & China-Japan Industrial Innovation and Development Exchange Conference"

AsiaNet 89661

(JI'NAN, China, May 23, 2021 AsiaNet=연합뉴스) The "Dialogue Sessions of 2021 for Executives from Multinational Corporations (Ji'nan) & China-Japan Industrial Innovation and Development Exchange Conference" will be held in Ji'nan, the capital city of Shandong Province, from May 27 to 28.

Shandong is one of the provinces in China that are most closely related to Japan in terms of economy and trade. In China, it ranks the second in population and the third in economy. As its capital city, Ji'nan is the political, economic, cultural, technological, educational, and financial center of Shandong Province.

According to Ji'nan Investment Promotion Bureau, this event will be jointly hosted by the People's Government of Ji'nan, Investment Promotion Agency of the Ministry of Commerce, and Department of Commerce of Shandong Province. The event aims to facilitate practical-minded exchanges and cooperation with Japanese multinational corporations, well-known companies, and international business organizations in areas such as health, environmental protection and carbon emission reduction, smart manufacturing, and digital economy.

During the event, the organizers will hold 4 ("1 plus 3") major activities. "1" represents a themed activity aiming to advertise the new opportunities of cooperation between Ji'nan and Japan to the attendees. Fortune 500 companies, well-known multinational corporations, and industry leaders from Japan such as Sumitomo, Marubeni, Sojitz, Panasonic, Fuji, Canon, and Mitsubishi, international organizations and business associations like Japan Management Association and China-Japan Digital General Chamber of Commerce will attend the activity.

On the site, there will be signing ceremonies of key projects and the opening ceremony of China-Japan Medical Innovation & Development Centers in Ji'nan and Kyoto. "3" represents three parallel activities to negotiate exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and Japanese companies in areas like health, environmental protection and carbon emission reduction, and digital manufacturing. During the event, Japanese companies will also be invited to visit major industrial parks.

Ji'nan is a world-renowned city of springs and this picture is taken at Baotu Spring, one of Ji'nan's three major attractions.

Starting from this year, Ji'nan plans to hold the "Dialogue Sessions for Executives from Multinational Corporations (Ji'nan) & China-Japan Industrial Innovation and Development Exchange Conference" regularly on Thursday and Friday of the last week of each May. We hope to see all sectors of Japan to come to learn about and invest in Ji'nan in order to open up a broader space for cooperation.

Contact person: Wang Lina

Tel: +86 531-66601785, +86 531-66601787

e-mail: jntztg@163.com, jnstzcjjtztgc@jn.shandong.cn

SOURCE: Ji'nan Investment Promotion Bureau

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Ji'nan is a city full of hopes and opportunities.

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