[AsiaNet] China International Consumer Expo Brings Together World's Top-notch

최정환 2021. 5. 10. 20:53
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Participants photographing CICPE Mascot "Yuanxiao" in Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center, Haikou


AsiaNet 89432

(HAIKOU, China, May 10, 2021 AsiaNet=연합뉴스) The on-going first China International Consumer Products Expo (CICPE), jointly organized by the Ministry of Commerce and the Hainan Provincial Government, has brought together world's top-notch products, attracting world-wide attention.

The four-day Expo, the largest of its kind in the Asia-Pacific region, covers a total exhibition area of 80,000 square meters and has attracted nearly 1,500 domestic and foreign exhibitors from about 70 countries and regions, according to the Hainan International Economic Development Bureau.

Exhibits making their exciting and shining appearance or debut at the Expo include the Faberge egg, or the Centenary Egg, which is handcrafted in 18K gold, weighing up to 10 kilograms; a 57-edge black diamond with a value of 250 million yuan; luxurious Lamborghini with the world's limited edition of two units at a price of tens of millions yuan each, attracting visitors watching with great interests.

As the global pandemic still spreading, the Hainan authorities have taken strict measures for epidemic prevention and control and logistical service support to ensure safety of the event.

Exhibits entering Hainan by air or sea from abroad have gone through the disinfection process, and teams for epidemic prevention and control and medical security are specifically positioned at the exhibition halls and related hotels, according to Han Shengjian, director of the Hainan International Economic Development Bureau.

The gathering of global products of best quality in Haikou has provided trading opportunities both for foreign countries to enter the Chinese market, but also for China and other countries to sell their consumer products worldwide. Overseas participants hope to take advantage of the opportunities provided by the Expo to further develop their business at the Chinese consumer market.

As the host of CICPE, Hainan is an important stop on the ancient "Maritime Silk Road" and has established close trade relations with the rest of the world. The island province has been accelerating the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port and international tourism consumption center since the announcement of the master plan on this regard on June 1, 2020, vigorously creating an ideal business environment and attracting more international brands to settle.

Source: The Hainan International Economic Development Bureau

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