[AsiaNet] Shenyang City Opportunity Scenario List Release and Key Project

최정환 2021. 4. 26. 15:47
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On April 23, the "Scene the Future with Scenarios" Shenyang City Opportunity Scenario List Release and Key Project Signing Ceremony on Cloud was held.

Signing Ceremony on Cloud was held

AsiaNet 89184

(SHENYANG, China, Apr. 26, 2021 AsiaNet=연합뉴스) On April 23, the "Scene the Future with Scenarios" Shenyang City Opportunity Scenario List Release and Key Project Signing Ceremony on Cloud was held, according to the Information Office of Shenyang People's Government.

For broadcast quality video and high-res images, please visit the Multimedia News Release: http://news.medianet.com.au/xinhua-news-agency/shenyang-city-opportunity-scenario-list

This is the first time that Shenyang has released a list of scenario requirements for live broadcasts to more than 60 countries and regions at home and abroad, releasing CNY 1.1 trillion in investment opportunities.

The release of the list of city opportunity scenarios focuses on the 8 visions of the city and the 36 scenario types such as smart manufacturing, digital credit creation and smart urban areas, accelerates the cultivation and enrichment of application scenarios in Shenyang, promotes "project clearance", and releases more development opportunities, to create the urban brand of the "Bellwether of Scenarios in Northeast China" to support the development of the new economy.

Among them, the 8 visions of the city include: the construction of a national modern comprehensive hub, the construction of a comprehensive national science center, the construction of a national advanced manufacturing center, the construction of a regional financial center, the construction of a regional cultural and creative center, the construction of an international consumption center city, the construction of a livable and business-friendly high-quality city and the construction of a digital twin smart city.

In order to promote high-level scenario construction and investment promotion, the press conference focused on the introduction of the first batch of the selected 30 major new economic scenarios. The development of Shenyang in an all-round way was announced to the public in the form of a list. All kinds of enterprises, talents, etc. are welcomed to participate in the development of the city.

Overall 152 major projects were signed on the press conference with an investment amount of up to CNY 129.53 billion.

Source: The Information Office of Shenyang People's Government

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