[PRNewswire] GAC MOTOR becomes the "industrial link" for the deepening of
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In order to better develop bilateral friendship, promote win-win cooperation between China and Kuwait, more Chinese companies have chosen to "go global".
With the continuous deepening of the strategic partnership between China and Kuwait, bilateral cooperation has entered the "fast lane".
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Sino-Kuwaiti bilateral cooperation
-- 50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between China and Kuwait
(GUANGZHOU, China, Feb. 2, 2021 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) March 22, 2021, marks the 50th anniversary of establishing diplomatic ties between China and Kuwait. Kuwait is the first country in the Gulf Arab States to establish diplomatic relations with China. Since initiating diplomatic ties in 1971, bilateral relations between the two countries have continued to develop into one of mutual trust and sincere cooperation.
In order to better develop bilateral friendship, promote win-win cooperation between China and Kuwait, more Chinese companies have chosen to "go global". Being a leader and pioneer in China's automobile industry, GAC MOTOR has set a benchmark for leading the transformation and upgrading of Chinese automobile enterprises with its unique development path.
GAC MOTOR entered the Kuwaiti market in 2013 and set up the Kuwait GAC showroom. Through continuous efforts, GAC MOTOR has gradually developed into one of the most popular Chinese brands among consumers in the Middle East.
The relationship between GAC MOTOR and Kuwait's partner Mutawa Alkazi Company "MAC" began in October 2012. In June 2013, MAC officially became the first authorized dealer of GAC Group overseas; since then, a long-term and stable cooperative relationship was established.
Through eight years of joint efforts with Kuwaiti distributor, GAC MOTOR has gained good market feedback and become one of the most popular Chinese brands among consumers in the Middle East with its excellent product quality, sales channels, and after-sales service.
GAC MOTOR has continued to enhance its brand presence in Kuwait with its reputation for high quality. With enhanced automotive safety configuration, superior space performance, and intelligent technological strength, GAC MOTOR provides diversified transport options for local consumers. Currently, GAC MOTOR Kuwait has 9 models on sale. Not only has the emergence of GAC MOTOR in the Kuwaiti market helped Chinese automobile brands to go abroad, but it has also promoted the development of the Kuwaiti automobile industry, achieving mutual benefit and win-win results between the two countries.
With the continuous deepening of the strategic partnership between China and Kuwait, bilateral cooperation has entered the "fast lane". This is a period of strategic opportunities that Chinese enterprises should not miss. GAC MOTOR will also accelerate to improve its brand competitiveness in the global market, helping Sino-Kuwaiti economic cooperation reach a new milestone.
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출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료
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