[PRNewswire] Ascend Performance Materials' Acteev technology takes prize at
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"We are honored to be in the company of so many talented innovators," Huffman said. "We envision an Acteev world with Ascend working together with other manufacturers and innovators to create products ranging from sheets and pillowcases to scrubs and hospital gowns, athleisure wear and socks, swimwear and intimate apparel."
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Outdoor Retailer Innovation Awards
-- The awards recognize new and groundbreaking technologies used in winter apparel, outdoor and sports products and materials
(HOUSTON, Jan. 22, 2021 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Ascend Performance Materials' Acteev Protect™ antimicrobial odor-resisting fabric technology has been named a winner at the 2021 Outdoor Retailer Innovation Awards. The awards recognize new and groundbreaking technologies used in winter apparel, outdoor and sports products and materials.
Acteev Protect was chosen out of a record number of submissions for its performance across four criteria - Spark, Desire, Function and Impact.
Nikki Huffman, principal business development leader for Acteev™, accepted the award at a virtual ceremony held during the Outdoor Retailer Winter Online tradeshow.
"We are honored to be in the company of so many talented innovators," Huffman said. "We envision an Acteev world with Ascend working together with other manufacturers and innovators to create products ranging from sheets and pillowcases to scrubs and hospital gowns, athleisure wear and socks, swimwear and intimate apparel."
Acteev technology embeds zinc ions in a polymer to create long-lasting antimicrobial properties. The result is a fabric that destroys odor-causing bacteria and fungi. Acteev yarns and fabrics are abrasion-resistant, soft and durable. And because the zinc ions are embedded during the polymerization process, knit and woven articles made with Acteev retain their antimicrobial efficacy for up to 50 washes.
Testing on knit fabric completed at the University of Cambridge demonstrated that Acteev technology deactivates SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, with 99.9% efficacy on contact. Ascend is working with governmental agencies to obtain appropriate regulatory clearances to make specific claims in the U.S.
Product availability can be found at acteev.com and @acteevbyascend on Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/acteevbyascend/ ], Twitter [https://twitter.com/acteevbyascend ] and Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/ActeevbyAscend ].
About Ascend Performance Materials
Ascend Performance Materials makes high-performance materials for everyday essentials and new technologies. Our focus is on improving quality of life and inspiring a better tomorrow through innovation. Based in Houston, Texas, and with regional offices in Shanghai, Brussels and Detroit, we are a fully integrated material solutions provider with eight global manufacturing facilities in the United States, Europe and China. Our 2,600-person global workforce makes the plastics, fabrics, fibers and chemicals used to make safer vehicles, cleaner energy, better medical devices, smarter appliances and longer-lasting apparel and consumer goods. We are committed to safety, sustainability and the success of our customers and our communities.
Find out more about Ascend at www.ascendmaterials.com.
About Acteev: acteev.com
Acteev disclaimer [https://www.ascendmaterials.com/acteev-disclaimer ]
Contact: Nicki Britton, +1 832-205-4854, nbritt@ascendmaterials.com
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1424986/Acteev_Innovation_Award.jpg
Ascend's Acteev Protect antimicrobial technology won Outdoor Retailer's 2021 Innovation Award for function.
Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1326397/ASCEND_Logo.jpg
Source: Ascend Performance Materials
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출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료
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