[PRNewswire] LONGi wins RETC "High Achievers" award for outstanding module
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(XI'AN, China, Jan. 13, 2021 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) The US Renewable Energy Testing Center (RETC) has released its "Photovoltaic Module Index Report" (PVMI) for 2020. Having won a "High Achievers" award in 2019, LONGi has once again carried off the award for outstanding performance following comprehensive evaluation of global photovoltaic modules by RETC.
LONGi's performance in three indicators of reliability, performance and quality identified it as one of only three companies to achieve the award. The company also became the only module manufacturer to perform well in all 8 individual tests, underlining the high reliability and excellent performance of its monocrystalline modules.
The PVMI provides a high-level overview of relevant tests carried out by RETC within reliability, performance and quality indicators, followed by a sampling of test data to recognize high performers and showcase high achievement in manufacturing.
Being awarded as overall "High Achiever" and demonstrating solid top performance on all 8 indicators are good testament to LONGi's consistent philosophy of delivering reliable products to customers. As the world's leading solar technology company, LONGi focuses on product reliability, from design to production, providing customers with reliable and value-added photovoltaic modules. Module design starts with theoretical simulation using relevant optical, electrical and mechanical models. Module power, efficiency, energy yield and reliability will all be considered before design is finalized; For module BOM selection, the company has always maintained a highly cautious approach, ensuring long-term product reliability. In addition, LONGi uses Ga doping to control mono PERC module LID, and has also optimized the hydrogen passivation process to mitigate LeTID.
Meanwhile, to ensure module reliability, LONGi goes beyond standard testing requirements, establishing a variety of differentiated testing methods based on the results of well-known research institutions and third-party experts. As for the production process, highly automated equipment not only improves efficiency, but also helps ensure production stability. A comprehensive quality control system guarantees product excellence.
About LONGi
LONGi leads the solar PV industry to new heights with its product innovations and optimized power-cost ratio with breakthrough monocrystalline technologies. The company supplies more than 30GW of high-efficiency solar wafers and modules worldwide each year, about a quarter of global market demand. LONGi is recognized as the world's most valuable solar technology company with the highest market value. Innovation and sustainable development are two of the company's core values. Learn More: https://en.longi-solar.com/
Source: LONGi Solar
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