[PRNewswire] Guide Sensmart Launches New Guide QT Series IR Fever Warning

최정환 2021. 1. 13. 10:29
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System for Temperature Measurement featuring 5-minute Easy Installation

-- As the COVID-19 global pandemic continues to rattle the world, accurate temperature measurement remains the most critical prevention and control measure used on the front line.

(WUHAN, China, Jan. 13, 2021 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) On December 28, 2020, China's leading company in epidemic prevention and temperature measurement, launched a new fever screening product: the Guide QT Series IR Fever Warning System with infrared thermal imaging and an automatic temperature measurement alarm system. Positioned as an economical yet broadly effective product, it is ideal for large, crowded spaces such as office buildings, schools, residential compounds, and supermarkets.

Video - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1418827/Guide_QT_Series_IR_Fever_Warning_System_Supermarket.mp4

The most impressive feature of the Guide QT Series IR Fever Warning System is its minimal configuration and easy installation. The product consists of only a thermal camera, monitor, and corresponding software. Furthermore, the whole installation process only takes five minutes. It also features backwards compatibility meaning users can connect old computers to the Guide QT thus extending the usefulness and life of older devices.

As the latest addition to Guide Sensmart's fever screening product lineup, the new QT series is highly accurate and efficient when it comes to temperature detection. Guide QT thermal camera with an ultra-compact integrated blackbody to measure the temperature of up to 120 people per minute within a 5-meter radius and with an accuracy of ±0.3°C.

Among them, QT200 and QT210 are equipped with the proprietary TIMO infrared thermal imaging module which features with low energy consumption, small size profile, and low cost. Guide TIMO thermal imaging module can be easily integrated into Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT), smart terminals, consumer electronics, and other devices to facilitate more intelligent temperature measurement.

CES 2021 will be held online from January 11-14. The new Guide QT Series IR Fever Warning System will also make its public debut in the Guide Sensmart virtual booth.

Guide Sensmart is the subsidiary of Guide Infrared (SZ.002414), the world leading infrared thermal imaging systems manufacturer. Thanks to our group company's 20 years experience in the infrared industry and mass production capacity, Guide Sensamrt designs and delivers high quality, affordable thermal imaging products across the globe at scale quantity with the mission to make thermal imaging benefit the public. For more information, visit https://www.guideir.com (follow @GuideSensmart on facebook/Linkedin/Twitter/Youtube).


Source: Guide Sensmart

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출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료

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