[PRNewswire] ZTE Wins the Privacy Strategy Contribution Award from BSI
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(SHENZHEN, China, Jan. 11, 2021 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) ZTE Corporation (0763.HK / 000063.SZ), a major international provider of telecommunications, enterprise and consumer technology solutions for the Mobile Internet, today announced that it has been awarded the Privacy Strategy Contribution Award by BSI at the 3rd Smart Summit Economic Forum, in recognition of its outstanding contributions to privacy protection and compliance.
The forum has invited nearly 300 representatives from well-known enterprises, research institutions, industry associations and government departments, and is available through live streaming.
BSI, a 100-year organization in UK with a royal charter and one of the founding members of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), selects the 2020 Excellence Award in terms of three dimensions: Advanced Performance, Privacy Strategy and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
"ZTE stands out among many enterprises with ISO27701 certification, and wins the Privacy Strategy Contribution Award, which reflects great recognition from professional certification organizations for ZTE's privacy protection," said Shen Nan, Chief Legal Officer of ZTE. "By implementing high standards, the company has been committed to embedding privacy protection into business activities and product design, expecting to strengthen the basis of mutual trust between ZTE and its global partners for the promotion of a win-win situation between both parties."
Previously, ZTE has been successfully certified with the world's first 5G product ISO27701 privacy management system issued by BSI, indicating that ZTE's 5G products have been certified by authorities in terms of the security and compliance of personal information processing.
ZTE attaches great importance to privacy protection, complies with the privacy protection laws and regulations applicable to the countries and regions where the company operates. Meanwhile, the company has established a leading compliance rule and control system, and has incorporated privacy protection design into the product R&D process as an important connotation of the core competitiveness of products. Moving forward, the company will continue to work with global partners to promote sustainable development under the prerequisite of compliance in the digital economy era.
Media Contacts:
Margaret Ma
ZTE Corporation
Tel: +86 755 26775189
Email: ma.gaili@zte.com.cn
Source: ZTE Corporation
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