[PRNewswire] GameChange Solar Unveils Bifacial Tracker Reflector Technology to
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Andrew Worden, CEO of GameChange Solar, stated: "Solar power plant owners globally have been asking for a cost-effective, long life, maintenance-free, high reflectivity (.95 albedo) ground cover to place under trackers with bifacial modules. We are excited to have been able to provide a unique and superior solution, the BifacialReflector™ technology. Our technology has a significant power boost for bifacial modules and has a life of 40 years with no maintenance, making it a meaningful breakthrough for the industry."
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Boost Power Production 15-20%
(NEW YORK, Jan. 8, 2021 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) GameChange Solar today announced BifacialReflector™, a patent-pending new technology which dramatically increases power production for the GameChange Solar Genius Tracker™ with bifacial modules. The technology is a highly reflective (.95 albedo), permanent solid surface up to 4m wide, which reflects light from just above ground level to the back of the bifacial modules. This technology is a significant improvement over other ideas since it is not a ground cover which has a limited life and requires constant maintenance. BifacialReflector™ is a self-cleaning, long-term (40-year life) solution. The reflectors can boost the gain by up to an estimated total of 15-20% when using bifacial modules, which is approximately 5-8% extra gain versus other bifacial trackers which do not have BifacialReflector™ technology.
Andrew Worden, CEO of GameChange Solar, stated: "Solar power plant owners globally have been asking for a cost-effective, long life, maintenance-free, high reflectivity (.95 albedo) ground cover to place under trackers with bifacial modules. We are excited to have been able to provide a unique and superior solution, the BifacialReflector™ technology. Our technology has a significant power boost for bifacial modules and has a life of 40 years with no maintenance, making it a meaningful breakthrough for the industry."
Contact and media inquiries can be directed to Derick Botha +1 (302) 528-2125
email: derick.botha@gamechangesolar.com
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1396669/gamechange.jpg
Source: GameChange Solar
[편집자 주] 본고는 자료 제공사에서 제공한 것으로, 연합뉴스는 내용에 대해 어떠한 편집도 하지 않았음을 밝혀 드립니다.
출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료
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