[AsiaNet] The 8th Forum on China-ASEAN Technology Transfer and Collaborative

최정환 2020. 11. 27. 10:20
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The 8th Forum on China-ASEAN Technology Transfer and Collaborative Innovation

Innovation Unveiled in Nanning

AsiaNet 86891

(NANNING, China, Nov. 27, 2020 AsiaNet=연합뉴스) The 8th Forum on China-ASEAN Technology Transfer and Collaborative Innovation (hereinafter referred to as the "Forum"), hosted by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the People's Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and organized by Guangxi Science and Technology Department and China-ASEAN Technology Transfer Center, was officially unveiled on November 26 in Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. With the theme "Empower the Future with Opening-up and Innovation," the Forum consisted of opening activities and a series of events such as the main forum, the 2nd ASEAN Plus Three Young Scientist Innovation Forum, the 17th China-ASEAN Expo Advanced Technology Exhibition, China-ASEAN Technology Transfer Matchmakings, and China-ASEAN International Forum on Sustainable Development and Innovation Cooperation, in a bid to facilitate the orderly circulation and integrated development of innovation elements between China and ASEAN.

Six ministerial-level officials from science & technology departments of ASEAN member states such as Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines and Thailand delivered video speeches at the opening ceremony. Representatives from Japan, South Korea and ASEAN member states in the field of technology and innovation shared their experience regarding the construction of joint laboratory at the 2nd ASEAN Plus Three Young Scientist Innovation Forum online or offline. The opening ceremony witnessed the announcement and signing of a large number of innovation cooperation achievements. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Regional People's Government signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Chang'an University. China-ASEAN Technology Transfer Center (CATTC) Bangkok Innovation Center and China-Thailand-ASEAN Innovation Port were unveiled online. The China-ASEAN Big Earth Data Innovation Center project spearheaded by academician Guo Huadong was also launched at the forum. These signings would drive the technology and innovation cooperation between China and ASEAN, and jointly fuel the high-quality development of regional economy.

This year's forum marked the 8th successful session since 2013. Over the years, the Forum actively serves the communication and matchmaking between China and ASEAN governments, enterprises and organizations, which have effectively boosted the regional technology transfer and innovation cooperation, and played a crucial and positive role in deepening the implementation of Guangxi's "three positioning" outlined by the central government and fostering global and regional win-win cooperation and good neighborliness.

Source: Guangxi Science and Technology Department

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