Highways jammed as travelers return after Lunar New Year holiday

김민영 2025. 1. 30. 14:30
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Travelers faced heavy traffic on highways across the country returning home after the final day of the Lunar Year holiday on Thursday.
Vehicles move slowly on both directions on the Gyeongbu Expressway near Jamwon IC in Seocho District, southern Seoul, on Jan. 30, the last day of the Lunar New Year holiday. [NEWS1]

Travelers faced heavy traffic on highways across the country returning home after the final day of the Lunar Year holiday on Thursday.

The Korea Expressway Corporation estimated as of 9 a.m., the travel times to Seoul from major cities are as follows: 7 hours 40 minutes from Busan, 7 hours 10 minutes from Ulsan, 6 hours 40 minutes from Daegu, 5 hours 50 minutes from Mokpo, South Jeolla, 5 hours from Gwangju, 2 hours 50 minutes from Gangneung, Gangwon and 2 hours 30 minutes from Daejeon.

For those traveling from Seoul to other major cities, the expected travel times were 7 hours 10 minutes to Busan, 6 hours 40 minutes to Ulsan, 6 hours 10 minutes to Daegu, 5 hours 40 minutes to Mokpo, 5 hours 20 minutes to Gangneung, 5 hours 10 minutes to Gwangju, 4 hours to Yangyang, Gangwon and 3 hours to Daejeon.

On the Gyeongbu Expressway toward Seoul, drivers were told to be cautious of snowy roads along a 14-kilometer (8.7-mile) section between Biryong JC and Sintanjin, Daejeon, as well as a 13-kilometer stretch from Gimcheon, North Gyeongsang, to Chupungnyeong Pass.

On the Seohaean Expressway, a 59.5-kilometer stretch between Hongseong, South Chungcheong, and West Pyeongtaek Interchange were affected by wet road conditions. On the Yeongdong Expressway, a 22-kilometer section between Daegwallyeong Pass and Gangneung Junction experienced strong winds.

An estimated 400,000 vehicles were expected to travel from the Seoul metropolitan area to other regions, while 430,000 vehicles were expected to move toward the capital, with a total of 5.25 million vehicles on the roads nationwide.

Congestion in the outbound direction began around 7 to 8 a.m., peaking between noon and 1 p.m. In the return direction, congestion started around 8 to 9 a.m., peaking between 5 and 6 p.m.

Additional congestion is expected on Friday, as many people take an extra day off to enjoy an extended holiday through the weekend.

The Korea Meteorological Administration said Thursday that cold air from the northwest will sweep into the Korean Peninsula, causing morning temperatures to plummet on Friday.

Morning lows are expected to range from around minus 10 degrees Celsius (14 degrees Fahrenheit) to minus 5 degrees across the country, with daytime highs remaining around zero in central regions.

Rainfall is also forecast in the Seoul metropolitan area, including Gyeonggi, Incheon, Gangwon, North Chungcheong, Jeju Island and Jeolla.

Drivers are urged to exercise caution due to the risk of snow accumulation, icy roads and black ice caused by the lower temperatures.

BY KIM MIN-YOUNG [kim.minyoung5@joongang.co.kr]

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