Child rapist Cho Doo-soon moves to new house in same neighborhood

김민영 2024. 10. 28. 16:59
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Child rapist Cho Doo-soon moved to a different house in the same neighborhood as his old residence in Ansan, Gyeonggi.
Cho Doo-soon after serving 12 years in prison is released from the jail and walks to the Ansan Probation Office in Ansan, Gyeonggi on Dec. 12 in 2020. [NEWS1]

Child rapist Cho Doo-soon moved to a different house in the same neighborhood as his old residence in Ansan, Gyeonggi.

Cho moved within the same Wa-dong area amid much complaint from neighbors. The new residence is located approximately two kilometers (1.24 miles) from his previous home.

According to the Gyeonggi Nambu Provincial Police Agency on Monday, the police received a notice from the Ministry of Justice on Friday regarding Cho’s change of residence.

Cho kidnapped an eight-year-old girl on her way to school on Dec. 11, 2008, and sexually assaulted her after beating her unconscious in a nearby toilet stall. Some of the victim's organs became dysfunctional due to the physical damage that Cho caused.

He was sentenced to 12 years in prison on charges including assault and rape. The rapist was released in December 2020 and moved into a home in Wa-dong, Danwon District, amid strong protests from neighborhood residents.

This move was reportedly made due to upcoming expiration of the monthly rental contract at his previous home.

The police have deployed a patrol vehicle near Cho’s new residence and have increased patrols by dispatching additional personnel.

They are also considering relocating the special security center that was previously set up near his former residence to a location near his new one.

“The previous special security center is currently vacant, but the existing patrol system remains in place around the new residence,” a police official stated, adding, “We plan to move the special security center once an appropriate location has been selected.”

In December of last year, Cho was indicted again for leaving his house and wandering for some 40 minutes after getting into a row with his wife, violating the curfew that bans him from going out after 9 p.m.

At the time of the trial, the rapist requested reduced fines, complaining that his wife left him no choice but to leave the house.


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