Recipe: The ultimate Korean comfort food — fermented soybean stew

우지원 2024. 10. 27. 07:00
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"This recipe combined techniques and ingredients used by numerous chefs to recreate the strong, flavorful deonjang jjigae served at barbecue places. Adding samjang replicates the signature savory taste, creating a contrast with the milder, country-style stews."

"Adding half of the chadol at the beginning and the rest toward the end enhances the broth with deep meaty flavor, while it accentuates the texture of chadol."

글자크기 설정 파란원을 좌우로 움직이시면 글자크기가 변경 됩니다.

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Doenjang jjigae, or fermented soybean stew — the ultimate comfort food, perfect for lifting your spirits during tough times, evoking a nostalgic sense of home.
Chadol ddeonjang jjigae [HONG YEO-RIM]

There is one dish that never fails to appear in Korean dramas or movies when creating a warm, family-like atmosphere: doenjang jjigae, or fermented soybean stew. It's the ultimate comfort food, perfect for lifting your spirits during tough times, evoking a nostalgic sense of home.

While doenjang jjigae may seem like a simple combination of vegetables and tofu simmered in soybean paste broth, making a truly delicious version is not easy — even for seasoned cooks. The flavor can vary dramatically depending on the ingredients used and their proportions.

Among the many variations of this stew, the ones served at barbecue restaurants after a meal are often considered the best by many. There’s something irresistible about pairing the stew with a bowl of rice. Many people try to recreate this version with recipes found online or on YouTube, but the best version features chadol (beef brisket).

Here's how you can make chadol doenjang jjigae at home, without the need to visit a BBQ restaurant.

━ Hong Yeo-rim's Chadol Ddeonjang Jjigae

Ingredients (2 people): 250 to 300 grams of chadol — 1 large green onion — 500 to 700 milliliters of anchovy broth (if you don't have anchovy stock, you can use water) — 1/3 of a zucchini — 1 potato — 1/2 onion — 3 Tablespoons of deonjang (soy bean paste) — 1 Tablespoon of ssamjang (thick, spicy paste) — 1/2 Tablespoon of chili powder — 1/2 block of tofu — 1 red chili pepper — 1/2 Cheongyang chili pepper — 1/2 Tablespoon of minced garlic

Adding half of the chadol at the beginning and the rest toward the end to get that signature texture [HONG YEO-RIM]


1. Place the chadol on paper towels to drain bany excess blood. 2. Make a broth by boiling anchovies and kelp. 3. Place half of the prepared chadol in a pot and stir-fry with a sliced green onion 4. once the meat is no longer bloody, stry-fry with the soy bean paste until mixed. add the prepared broth and start boiling. 5. Add zucchini, potatoes, and onions. Let the stew boil for at least 10 minutes. 6. When the meat and vegetables are cooked, add minced garlic, ssamjang and chili powder. 7. Add the remaining half of the meat and sliced red and Cheongyang chili peppers. Boil briefly and serve.

Chadol ddeonjang jjigae [HONG YEO-RIM]

Pro tips from Chef Hong Yeo-rim

"This recipe combined techniques and ingredients used by numerous chefs to recreate the strong, flavorful deonjang jjigae served at barbecue places. Adding samjang replicates the signature savory taste, creating a contrast with the milder, country-style stews."

"Adding half of the chadol at the beginning and the rest toward the end enhances the broth with deep meaty flavor, while it accentuates the texture of chadol."

“Since chadol is naturally fatty, you won’t need additional oil for stir-frying. Simply use the fat from the meat to stir-fry green onion. The broth is traditionally made with anchovies and kelp, but store-bought anchovy broth or coin-shaped broth cubes work fine as well.”


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