Hanwha Ocean strengthens partnership with US Navy

2024. 10. 25. 17:35
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Hanwha Group Vice-president Kim Dong-kwan (right) and the US Pacific Fleet's commander Stephen Koehler (center) look around the Wally Schirra, in Geoje, South Gyeongsang Province, on Thursday. (Hanwha Ocean)

Hanwha Group is seeking further cooperation with the US Navy, to build on ongoing projects.

The group said on Friday that Hanwha Group Vice-president Kim Dong-kwan and US Pacific Fleet Cmdr. Admiral Stephen Koehler met at Hanwha Ocean’s Geoje site on the previous day and discussed ways for further cooperation.

Kim and Koehler toured the Wally Schirra, a US Navy logistics support ship currently under maintenance, and discussed further cooperation on maintenance, repair and operations projects for the US Military Sealift Command’s vessels in the Indo-Pacific region, the group said.

In July, Hanwha Ocean signed the Master Ship Repair Agreement to expand its footing in the MRO projects for the US Navy, securing a contract the following month. After a four-month service, Hanwha will return the Wally Schirra to the US Navy in January.

In the meeting, Kim emphasized the company’s commitment to enhancing its understanding of the maintenance systems for US Navy vessels and pledged to strengthen the supply chain for future MRO projects, Hanwha said.

“We aim to align with the Regional Sustainment Framework initiatives and later work on more American vessel projects through this MRO project,” said Kim.

Kim and Koehler also explored Hanwha Ocean’s production facilities and shipyards, where submarines, merchant ships and offshore vessels are built.

“Hanwha Ocean’s involvement is a significant step forward in the Korea-US alliance, supporting our mission for peace in the Indo-Pacific region,” Koehler was quoted as saying by Hanwha Group.

Wally Schirra’s captain, Keith Sauls, also expressed his satisfaction, saying “We view Hanwha Ocean as a great partner of the US Navy, appreciating its facilities, expertise and workmanship.”

By Park Min-ha(en23mp@heraldcorp.com)

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