K-pop star Yulhee details Choi Min-hwan's alleged abuse and interest in prostitutes in YouTube video

윤승진 2024. 10. 25. 11:45
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"It was OK to be tired from child care or to argue. Living as a big family was also enjoyable. After that incident, I hated being in that house and was miserable. It was also difficult to face my family."

"I later found out that this kind of drunken behavior was a habit," she said. "The puzzle pieces fit together. My mother-in-law and father-in-law were all there, and he was touching my private parts and tearing at my chest."

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K-pop singers Yulhee and Choi Min-hwan divorced due to Choi's alleged abusive behavior and interest in visiting a prostitute, according to a YouTube video from Yulhee on Thursday.
Yulhee during her YouTube video posted on her channel on Thursday. [SCREEN CAPTURE]

K-pop singers Yulhee and Choi Min-hwan divorced due to Choi's alleged abusive behavior and interest in visiting a prostitute, according to a YouTube video from Yulhee on Thursday.

Speaking out after remaining silent about the reason for their divorce for a year, Yulhee described an incident that occurred about a year before their separation in a 37-minute video uploaded to her YouTube channel. The couple tied the knot in 2018 and divorced in December of last year.

"Our married life changed 180 degrees from that point," she said in the video.

"It was OK to be tired from child care or to argue. Living as a big family was also enjoyable. After that incident, I hated being in that house and was miserable. It was also difficult to face my family."

Yulhee detailed instances of alleged abuse, claiming that Choi would place cash in her cleavage in front of their family members.

"In front of my family, he would touch my private parts or stick money here," she said, pointing to her chest.

"I later found out that this kind of drunken behavior was a habit," she said. "The puzzle pieces fit together. My mother-in-law and father-in-law were all there, and he was touching my private parts and tearing at my chest."

Choi Min-hwan and Yulhee pose for a photo at an awards ceremony in 2018. [YONHAP]

Yulhee commented on her decision to give up custody of her three children, stating, "Regardless of my hatred and disgust for the actions he committed against me, he hasn't done anything wrong as a father to the children. He has a house, a big family and the children are happy with this life."

At the end of the video, Yulhee released audio recordings of Choi, recorded in July and August 2022. The recordings allegedly contain conversations about prostitution between Choi and another man. Yulhee did not provide any further comments about the content of these recordings.

Choi's side has not yet responded to the allegations.

Choi Min-hwan holds one of his kids. [INSTAGRAM]

While the couple had not previously revealed specific reasons for their divorce, they admitted to conflicts arising from differences in their personalities and parenting styles during their appearance on the TV program "Dr. Oh's Golden Clinic" in 2022. Yulhee was accused of excessive eagerness for education and extravagance based on Choi's claim on the same show that she spent seven million won ($5,000) monthly on their children's education alone.

Choi appears on KBS 2TV's variety show "The Return of Superman." Yulhee also recently appeared on TV Chosun's variety show "All By Myself" to discuss her life after the divorce.

Choi debuted as a drummer for boy band FTIsland in 2007. The band is known for multiple songs released throughout its 16-year career, such as "Love Sick" (2007), "I Hope" (2009), "Severely" (2012) and "I Wish" (2012).

Yulhee debuted as a member of the girl group Laboum in 2014. Laboum is known for songs like "Journey to Atlantis" (2016), "Pit-A-Pat" (2014) and "Winter Story" (2016). She left the group in 2017.

BY YOON SEUNG-JIN [yoon.seungjin@joongang.co.kr]

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