ABLY’s AI solution drives 54% growth in high-transaction sellers

2024. 10. 25. 11:00
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ABLY Corp., South Korea’s online fashion platform, announced on Friday that the number of small business sellers with transactions exceeding 100 million won ($72,500) through its ABLY Partners solution rose by 54 percent in September.

ABLY Partners is an AI-driven, end-to-end e-commerce solution that allows sellers to simply take pictures of their products and upload them to their dedicated web pages.

ABLY handles all other processes, including purchasing, sales, delivery, customer service, and marketing.

Since its introduction in 2018, about 10,000 sellers have used this service to open their own businesses, the company said.

The period required for sellers to reach a monthly transaction of 100 million won has also decreased significantly.

In 2018, it took an average of 13 months to achieve this milestone, while sellers who joined last year accomplished it in just seven months.

Advancements in ABLY’s AI personalization recommendation technology have enabled sellers to reach this transaction milestone with fewer products.

Last year, the average number of products needed to achieve 100 million won in monthly sales was 215—a record low and down 60 percent from 2019.

Building on this success, ABLY plans to release a report sharing strategies and insights for achieving high transaction volumes on its seller-exclusive website.

“We aim to create a virtuous cycle where sellers’ revenue growth and enhanced market competitiveness drive our growth,” the company stated.

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