Hyundai and universities unite for research lab to advance dual-arm robot technology

이태희 2024. 10. 23. 15:31
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Hyundai Motor Group announced Wednesday that it has created a Joint Robotics Research Lab with Seoul National University, Pohang University of Science and Technology (Postech) and the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST).
From left: Pohang University of Science and Technology Research and Business Development Foundation Head Kim Jong-kyu, Seoul National University College of Engineering Dean Kim Young-oh, Hyundai Motor and Kia R&D Division Head Yang Heui-won and Korea Institute of Science and Technology Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Institute Director-General Kim Ig-jae pose for a photo on Wednesday to celebrate the opening of the Joint Robotics Research Lab. [HYUNDAI MOTOR GROUP]

Hyundai Motor Group announced Wednesday that it has created a Joint Robotics Research Lab with Seoul National University, Pohang University of Science and Technology (Postech) and the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST).

Hyundai NGV, Hyundai Motor Group's arm responsible for industry-academia partnerships, will collaborate with the three universities to operate the robotics lab for three years and jointly conduct research on mobile dual-arm robots.

Seoul National University will advance robotics software to enhance robots' perception of transparent objects and develop technologies that improve autonomous mobile performance using wide-angle cameras for accurate environmental perception. The university will also focus on developing collaborative control technologies for mobile dual-arm robots.

Postech will work on developing haptic devices necessary for remotely controlling robots. KIST will focus on developing object recognition technologies and algorithms that enable robots to predict movements in advance.

Hyundai Motor and Kia's Robotics LAB will contribute by focusing on robotics hardware research, enhancing the autonomous mobile performance of robots and developing technologies that allow robot hands to handle more complex shapes.

"In the future, mobile dual-arm robots will be key in the service robotics market," said a spokesperson for Hyundai Motor Group. "By working with Korea's top robotics research institutions, we aim to develop advanced robotics technology and create diverse markets in the service robotics sector."


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