HS HAM promotes Tansome carbon fiber at Carbon Korea 2024

2024. 10. 23. 11:33
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Carbon fiber high-pressure vessels. (HS Hyosung Advanced Materials)
HS Hyosung Advanced Materials (HS HAM) is poised to promote its carbon fiber brand Tansome at Carbon Korea 2024, which opens on Wednesday in Seoul.

Tansome is a new material brand, featuring high-strength carbon fiber whose weight is a mere 25 percent of steel’s but is over ten times stronger, and was developed for the first time in Korea in 2011.

The company succeeded in developing H3065, an ultra-high-strength carbon fiber that is over 14 times stronger than steel, in 2022, thus laying the groundwork to enter high-value markets such as aerospace.

HS Hyosung Advanced Materials will also showcase high-strength carbon fiber yarn, carbon fiber-made high-pressure vessels, seat cross members for electric vehicles, golf shafts, and tennis rackets during the exhibit. The company also plans to use the event as an opportunity to seek new customers in various industries where carbon fiber can be applied.

HS Hyosung Advanced Materials is continuously expanding its production facilities at home and abroad, investing in carbon fiber as a key driver of future growth.

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