Hanwha, KAA collaborate on core aircraft engines technologies

2024. 10. 23. 10:48
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Officials take a commemorative photo during the KAA business meeting held at Hanwha Aerospace’s Changwon Plant 1 in Gyeongnam on the 11th. (Hanwha Aerospace)
South Korea‘s Hanwha Aerospace Co. said on Tuesday that a senior official from the Korea AeroSpace Administration (KAA) visited one of its plants in Changwon, South Gyeongsang Province.

During the visit, Kim Hyun-dae, who heads KAA’s Aeronautics Innovation Mission Directorate, said that it is important to ensure reliable technologies necessary for local production of aircraft engines. He called for further collaboration between Hanwha Aerospace and the administration to establish a robust aviation engine industry.

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