GS E&R launches AI-based wind power forecasting solution

2024. 10. 23. 10:48
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A view of GS E&R’s wind farm in Yeongyang, Gyeongbuk. (GS Group)
GS E&R Corp., a subsidiary of GS Group, announced on Tuesday that it will begin mass producing a new system that uses artificial intelligence to predict potential energy generation in wind firms. The success is the first achievement in line with digital transformation objectives set under the leadership of GS Group Chairman Huh Tae-soo.

Developed by GS E&R, the system is designed to reduce an error rate linked to wind power forecasting to below 10 percent thanks to its AI-driven forecast modeling. It considers a variety of factors surrounding wind turbines, including geographic and topographic elements, altitude differences, and ground roughness.

Wind power is particularly challenging to predict compared to solar energy. As wind farms are often located in mountainous regions, power generation can vary significantly depending on the turbine‘s location, altitude, and wind conditions. Lower error rates decrease uncertainty and bring benefits to operators, while energy operators with low error rates become eligible for additional financial support from the government.

Copyright © 매일경제 & 무단 전재, 재배포 및 AI학습 이용 금지

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