KEF emphasizes cooperation with 21 EU countries amid global uncertainties

진은수 2024. 10. 22. 14:18
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Member companies of Korea Enterprises Federation (KEF) met with delegations from 23 European Union (EU) countries to underscore the importance of cooperation.
Maria Castillo Fernandez, ambassador of the European Union to Korea, fifth from left in the front row, and Korea Enterprises Federation Chairman Sohn Kyung-shik, sixth from left in the front row, pose for a photo in a KEF Business Roundtable with EU Ambassadors forum along with other delegation in Seoul on Tuesday. [KOREA ENTERPRISES FEDERATION]

Korea Enterprises Federation (KEF) met with delegations from 21 European Union (EU) countries to underscore the importance of cooperation between Korea and EU amid rising uncertainties in the global supply chain and industry paradigm shifts on Tuesday.

Delegations from countries such as France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden participated.

From KEF, its chairman Sohn Kyung-shik, Chong Kun Dang Chairman Lee Jang-han and Chairman Jo Kyu-ok of Chonbang participated among others.

“Korea and EU are far apart geographically, but we have been partners for 60 years in economy, trade and culture since we formed diplomatic relations,” said KEF Chairman Sohn at the forum.

“We have shared values of democracy and market economy. Cooperation between Korea and EU will become ever important because we are both facing problems, like global supply chain and technology, in the face of industry paradigm shifts.”

Social and economic problems like low birthrates and rigid labor cultures were discussed at the forum as well.

Sohn asked the EU delegations to share their cases of tackling low birthrates to help Korea.


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