Samsung SDS partners with Ansys Korea to expand cloud business

2024. 10. 22. 11:42
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Samsung SDS executive VP Koo Hyung-joon and Ansys Korea CEO Park Joo-il signed an MOU for cloud business collaboration. (Samsung SDS)
Samsung SDS announced on Tuesday that it has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Ansys Korea to strengthen its cloud business and enhance its competitive edge. Ansys Korea is the local branch of Ansys, a U.S.-based company specializing in computer-aided engineering (CAE) simulation software.

Ansys simulation tools are widely used across industries including automotive, energy, defense, and semiconductors to improve product performance as well as reduce development timelines. With the new partnership, Samsung SDS will provide its AI-powered cloud infrastructure, centered on GPU technology, via its Samsung Cloud Platform (SCP). In return, Ansys Korea will offer CAE solutions along with technical support and training.

The collaboration aims to make Ansys’s solutions easily accessible through the SCP marketplace, allowing users to leverage SCP‘s subscription-based GPU services. This approach is expected to accelerate simulation speeds and shorten product development cycles.

Both companies will also conduct proof-of-concept (PoC) evaluations to optimize cloud-based solution delivery and jointly explore new business opportunities to expand their cloud operations.

Ansys Korea CEO Park Joo-Il said that the combination of Ansys’s simulation software and Samsung SDS’s high-performance cloud resources is expected to improve processing speeds as well as contributing to the advancement of complex systems required in next-generation fields such as defense, aerospace, and aviation.

Koo Hyung-joon, executive VP & leader of Cloud Service Business Division at Samsung SDS, said that the partnership aims to go beyond a mere technical collaboration, to serve as a model for business innovation in manufacturing through cloud-based services.

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